Some of my photo collections..
Tip of Borneo located at Kudat. 3 hours drive from Kota Kinabau. You can have a beautiful blue sea along the way (I lost the photo T_T).. No Hotel on this area... must find a hotel at Kudat town.

When the water is dried.. You can see lots of hole like this on the stone..

You can see small fish trapped inside!

See weeds...

Fishing time.. We do fishing at 5pm tp 6pm and we got big big fish...I don't have the photo as a prove.. coz my camera out of bat!! T_T

Note: I don't think they allowed us to fish at that place anymore now.. I don't know..

Must get away from the stone by 6pm...otherwise the water will rise and it start from the middle and the waves was sooo strong.. dangerous!

My Hubby.. ;-)

Beautiful sunset..
Food In KK Town(Canon..)

I feel wired.. people eat this? I don't dare to try.. mayb next time ;-p

Ohhhh this I will wa-lap!

My Fav!

This my fav too.... Ohhhh...Love it!

Ohhh I miss KK already!

Zoom Malaysia brought for you by

those seafood looks good.
aiyooo sedapnya
Oh yes!!! No Kidding!!! It is GOOD!!!!!!! If I go back KK, This is a must to eat place.. ;-P
adidihhhhhh....punya sadap semua kannnnnnn...
I'm going KK on the 9th Feb! Normally will go to this seafood restaurant called Ocean Village or something near KK Waterfront. The food is quite good... but I heard it's more of a tourist place to eat. Is it true?
nice huh..and yummy too
Oh yes a days they more into tourist.. last time seafood in KK was quite cheap...but now it goes up..T_T but still consider ok..
Actually there's a chalet next to the restaurant Simpang Mengayau Chalet. Visitors can stay there for change of environment.
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