Spotted a 'mobile shop' of


Buah 'Rambai'.. ^_^

Eeekkk!!! Dinosour pun ada???? Ok jugak ni.. Boleh buat hantaran kawin...kekekekek... If in Sabah (For Kadazan people) If kawin must have kerbau... kalau tiada kerbau... nah!! ganti Dinosour lah...... bole???

Take a last pic of the night.. Heading to hotel..

Reach hotel.. sempat camwhoring ;-p (Apasal muka I 4segi tu??? Ya ampunnn?!...)

Our level..

From our room... another last pic of the nite..
Soo.. after a long post of shopping... this is what I get for myself.. >_<

Kekekekek... yess...only this.. Pink motorbike magnet and Pink flash light (Beside the pink headband)..

Cute right??? ^_^

We slept early that night.. coz we need to wake up like 6 am to continue our travel.. Next day woke up at 8.30am (Wahkakakakah)... and we make a move around 9-10 am... T_T
Where is our next spot?? Hint : Terengganu... need to go to Kuala Besut 1st... *wink*
1 comment:
the pink flashlight really is cute in baby pink. and your outfit looks good on you.
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