Our next tour was visiting the Singapore Flyer.. We followed the double deck bus provided by the duck tour.. called Hippo double deck bus.
Frankly speaking.. This was my 1st time naik double deck bus.. ngeh... ngeh.. ngeh.. ;-p

Luckily Singapore's weather was quite good during our vacation.. It's cloudy and best time to do out door tour.. Oh yes.. it rain once but only drizzling (During the duck tour)..

We purchased our tickets from the duck tour counter itself..
Singapore Flyer Ticket : $29.5/Adult.. $20.65/Child (In Sing dollar).

We were given this small radio.. You can get some story and info by listening the radio while watching the scenery..
Unfortunately my boy grab mine and I don't know what is it all about.. -_- (But.. Not everyone interested on listening to the radio.. ;-p, everyone just want to enjoy the view)

Our queue..

This cabin won't stop.. It moving all the time.. so have to enter fast!
Well it moved very slow.. don't worry.. ^_^

Looking at the other cabin..

I am in..

You can't feel anything inside.. no shaking no nothing.. It moved very very very slow..

But for those yang 'gayat'... hehehe.. there was a seat for you inside... So kalau menangis mau turun.. have to wait like half and hour inside.. LOL.. NO way out.. but have to deal with the fear.. ;-p

I am a person who scared of height too.. at 1st.. it was nothing.. I don't feel anything..

This 2.. busy listening to the radio.. My son.. dui... bagus kalau faham.... ish!

Slowly I can feel like we are realy high already.. oh dear.. I start 'gayat' already.. LOL.. But control 'hensem' la.. What I do.. duduk la.. LOL..

But I don't want to missed the feelings and the view.. so sometimes I stand to check out how high we are already..

I don't even dare to lean on the glass.. This kids all so brave.. siap lari2 di dalam.. Oh my... I almost faint (Tot we are going to fall.. ~.@)

But looking at the view.. I feel awe....

Higher and higher.. I start to feel dizzy a lil bit (for a while only la).. ayooo... must do medical check up already lorr... LOL.. But when I climbed Mount Kinabalu last year I don't have any headache at all...

We can actually see some island already.. but I don't know which Malaysia and Indonesia.. ;-p

Fuh yoo... same height with the ship casino already..

My boy... relax... rajin dengar radio la pulak.. ~.@

Some of the view..

We are almost on top... ^_^


Yey.. On top of the Flyer.. quickly ask hubby take my photo.. hihihi..

Hubby forced me to stand near by the glass... Kuat nya tangan mak pegang... ngeh.. ngeh.. ngeh...
Penakutttt.... ;-p
That's all about the Flyer and we need to rush back to Suntec to catch the Hippo bus which will be leaving in 5 minutes when we are done.
We took a cab and managed to follow the bus.. Phiewww... It was 6.10pm when we make a move from Suntec.. It took about 40-45 minutes to Night Safari.
Oh yes.. Next tour will be the Singapore Night Safari.. ^_^
To be cont..
wow cath, seems like ur itinerary was really packed, one after another! did u plan all this beforehand?
wow...itu casino..!!! Patut my FIL berabis mau pigi sing hahaha....
Best tapi betul lah bikin takut juga oh kan. Kalau saya entah lah, kali pigi juga tapi macam kau lah pegang di tepi hahaha.
tingginya..relaks juga c jl tu.hehe.mcm bujang2..hahaha
best juga tu ducktour....dari kereta bole tukar jadi boat....TAPI!!!mcm kamu tdk pakai 'lifejaket' kan.bikin takut oooo....
Cath, i can shake hands with u.. while looking at the pics, i can also feel the fear la.. i also penakut!! eeekk... i dont know whether i want to be on top of this flyer or not.. sigh..
shiok-nye!! I've never been to Singapore flyer before, the view.. wah... simply breathtaking! Can't wait for your Night Safari post.
Maureenj: safety jacket ada tapi tidak kena suruh pakai.. ;-p, but the ride very slow lah... boleh tertidur.. ^_^
Kristie: We did planned a lil bit only.. the rest was decided during buying tickets.. and asking from hotel receptionist and Taxi driver.. ^_^
That looks like so much fun. What a great view of the city and surrounding area. I'm not a big fan of heights either but it looks like it was definitely worth it!
very well done cath , glad u had loads of fun :)
I can feel ur fear i dont dare to go so HIGH, haha
Very high lah. You were very brave. :) I wanna go lah next time..hehe. Gwen will love it.
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