Continue our Treasure Hunting rides.. ^_^

Some random pics along the rides..

eeuwww... all are statues.. Not real.. ;-p

But the background music and sounds make it interesting.. ^_^

Got a lil bit shock when crossing this small bridge.. The side by side wood suddenly turn apart.. LOL.. I tot the bridge going to fall.. ;-p

Love to see this creature.. it's moving..

1 of the view during the rides..

Revenge of the Mummy rides.. This is a very fast rides.. and my boy are not qualified for the rides.. So we are not able to try it.. (Nxt time.. ) -_-

Taking last pic before heading to next tour..

Suddenly saw this tall Egyptian guys..

Fuh yoo.. Marilyn Monroe ka?? ;-p

Sexy lagi tu... ;-p ;-p
Mummy pun di paksa ambil photo oleh daddy... apa kesudahan nya????

Ya ampunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.................. Most funniest photo I had in my life.. standing di kelangkang org... Wakakakaka!!!
Done with the Egyptian world..

Next to 'Ski-Fi City'....
To be continue..
very interesting, Cath J!
rase cam nak pergi jer....
Macam betul betul di Egypt oh kan.
oh..egyptian man tu sangat hensem lorr
hahahaha oOOooO that is ONE CUTE egyptian! and the photo is damm cool! hubbkins you tak marah laks? heheh!
Awesome place!!! I never been there before :)
Hehehe...handsome ah the Egyptian man. Sorry, I laughed at your photo. :P
:D love ur photo with tht tall egyptian guy hiksss
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