Some random photos of my little boy captured while his having fun playing on the beach..

Ada gaya kah?? ;-p

Che...wahhhh... ;-p

I was capturing his movement from this distance..

LOL.. kepenatan??

And me?? Just sitting down watching.. I was with my swim outfit.. but looking at the strong waves.. I have no heart to play.. -_-

Just taking some pictures.. ^_^

Aik?? 'Tasu'?? ;-p
Pity this dog.. he injured his head.. (Or may be some1 hurt him.. -_-)

Almost dawn.. it's a wrap.. I hope tomorrow will be a good day.. Coz I am planning to do snorkeling.. ^_^..
Time for Dinner.. (Ya makannn terusss... ~.@)
To be continue..
Si bulat mahu kena cubit tu. Cute bah.
cute nyer dia dgn tak pakai baju..
rase nak cubit jer.. hehehehe
he looks so sweet!
Cute lah your boy. ^_^ Where is the pic of you in your swimsuit..hehe.
Lovely beach, Cath J! I love your template, your boy is so adorably chubby!:D
Please have wonderful day ahead!
Adui na... Gerigitan butul see your chubby and cute macam mo cubit!! The tasu looks cool with the outfit, looking like a lifeguard dog pulak!
kiut nyaaaaaa :)
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