Something new for me in town.. Oh yes.. it's in town.. I mean here in KK.. Ok not exactly in KK town, but it's in Tanjung Aru.. Just near the Tanjung Aru Plaza.
Have you visit the Perdana Park yet? Yes? No??
No???? Adui.. ingat kan aku ja yg ketinggalan zaman.. ;-p (Bah yang sudah tu.. pi main jauh2.. ^_^)

Perdana Park located at Tanjung Aru.. Just near Tanjung Aru Plaza. Managed to visit the place with my family.

The round about just infront of the entrance building.. ^_^ (Nampak rakyat ku yg 'tagas' tu.. mau bergambar di tengah2 jalan raya.. ;-p)

Huge parking area.. *Like*.. and there will be a parking fee ya..

The long building before entering the park..

Public toilet.. ^_^

Just before the entrance..

Heading to the park area..

Nice design.. and lighting..

Love all the lighting once you stand here.. the park looks beautiful.. I hope it will stay this way for long time.. ^_^

Water features at side by side.. glam gitu ah..

Huge area before the water fountain lake.. I can imagine this place will be used for some occasion or activity in future..

Small water fountain..

Lots people coming to witness the musical dancing water fountain...

The highlight for the kids.. Ohh ramai nya manusiaaa... hati2... anak boleh hilang di sini tau... I think there is 4 area of play ground here..

My son yg bersilat tu.. so happy with the play ground.. I tell you.. so many people came.. may be it's Friday..

The highlight for the adults.. The musical dancing water fountain.. start at 7pm.. and it will keep on repeating every 20 minutes until closing at 8.40pm.. daily.
saya pn br 1x pegi ha ha ha...tu pun masa free.crowded gila time tu semua takut kena caj mahal lepastu rupanya parking sj kena cas..haih..
nice place...the dancing fountain ada jugak kat JP sini,tapi dah tak sehebat dulu...
Take care :)
hey, i never been to KK yet.. good pictures here.. at least i know where to go when i m there next time, cath!
heard of that place from a friend of mine too..wah..itu musical fountain bha mnarik ht sa..nnt la..pulg dlu sa sabah bru sa p tingu. ^_^
saya lagi lah ketinggalan cath...blm lagi pernah pi sana. :)
Chegu: aiseyyyy...cheguuu.... pigilah...hihihi... ^_^
Mesti dah lama tak balik kampung ni...bercuti di kampung berapa lama?
Aik? di mana ni Perdana Park? Saya pun ketinggalan zaman ni cath. Mau jadi bukan orang Sabah sudah ni mangkali. Hihihihi.... tempat menarik di negeri sendiri tak tahu.
Cantiknya fountain tu!
Btw, the sky is extremely blue,
so mesmerising and captivating.
Is it due to camera technology?
Kak Zmah: lagi 3 hari dah nak balik dah...
SBC: Sanaaa Tg Aru.. ^_^
dekat ja dengan rumah tapi tia tahu....
Seronok tempat ni. Kalau mahu bersenam dan berjogging, tempat ni memang best!. Air pancut berirama, mau minta durang upgrade ni tau... kasi versatile sket.. hehehe
sa lagi la belum meng'injak'kan diri di sana :P kekeke kesian betul ni tanak sabah..
Apa khabar?
Lama bercuti selepas balik dari Sabah,sihatkah...?
Looks fun! lovely photos of the water fountain. :)
Thanks for following my blog, dear.. ^_^
Hows life in selangor?msti rindu sabah stiap mlm, kn..huhuh...sy stay kl 2-3 hari pn smpai demam2 mau blik sabah~huhuh..
Thanks again & have a great day~ ^_^
XOXO~Finie Ramos
Kalau balik sabah nanti, wajib pigi ni di sini, hehehe
Irene: It was a good weather that day.. I guess nothing to do with the camera.. ^_^.. may be a little ;-p.. but that was the real scenery that nite..
Budak Hutan: wah lama nya nda dengar berita.. ^_^
cantiknya! i tak pernah sampai sabah, if one day pergi sana..i will absolutelt go there :)
Me.. Tak pernah go East Malaysia.. Sobs :(
hi, what bus/van to take from the city to the park and back?
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