We reached Oatlands town and it was very windy and cold that time.. Oh yes it's summer.. yet very cold. We were like jumping in and out from our vehicle trying to avoid from the coldness haha.. it was slightly drizzling too.
Here in Oatlands town we coming for the WindMill.. Many travel blogger said this is a must see if visiting Oatlands. So here we come.

Walking to the Windmill place..

Beautiful Garden just besides the road..

This place called the Callington Mill.. since 1837..

The Visitor centre..
It was closed for a break that time we came. So we just took the chance to captured some photos around.

The Callington Mill is actually a flour processing factory using a traditional way. Using the wind to spin the fan to move all the machines. I did not managed to enter inside but more info of this place you can visit here..
Callington Mill, Oatlands Tasmania

More pictures around..

So here a picture taken by my mom.. I asked her to capture the WindMill in the frame as well. But pic 1.. fail.. haha.. 2nd time asking her to take more skyline than the ground.. and another fail attempts.. haha..

I took the camera and captured a pic and show her this is the way..

Next attempt.. I already show her the sample of my photos.. and STILL.. fail.. my oh my.. It's ok mom you have tried your best hihi..

Here.. this is how mom.. haha..

Another pic of me by the hubby.. Oh thank God my hubby learnt well now.. He used to have the same problem like my mom before haha..

Time to go..

Mom calling the duck to come nearer..

At the back of Callington Mill there are a huge pond.. So many geese and ducks swimming around. The wind blowing hard this time and it getting colder. My big boy is such a hero not wearing any jacket.
We met some Malaysian who stayed in TAS for more than 40years already visiting this place too.. They are so friendly and even invited us to join them for their relatives wedding In Melbourne if we have more time here in Australia. How kind.. but we are not able to do it of coz and just thanking them for kind enough to invite us.
Next post the journey continues..
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