Guess where we went today??? Hahaha.. I bet everyone knows..
This morning I over heard my sister sons wake up early.. But I was like half a sleep and did not noticed what time was it. I set my alarm at 7.30am so I bother.. ;-p
When we woke up and prepared, ready to go.. My BIL said the kids woke up at 4am.. and did not sleep until that moment we have that conversation... Holi cow!! Now my BIL and my sis also little baby was a bit tired and sleepy.. poor them.. LOL

I am not that excited this time visiting Genting Highland (But who cares ..lol.. as long as the kids does.. ;-p).. I think my mission was failed this time.. Weather was not that good.. It was Sunday.. and crazy packed!! It's like every floors at Genting Highland was filled with human... NO kidding!!
Planned to go up with cable car to make the boys excited.. But have to wait for 2 hours for the cable car?? Drove up to Genting.. We wondering around at parking space for 1 hour plus.. and lastly have to park at open space parking lot which was very far!!! T_T and it's cold and wet.. and we with a baby..

My hubby called from Jakarta.. asking me to buy the tickets using the membership card for discounts.. and if I don't have it.. He ask me to apply...
I waste another 30minutes to line up to apply for the membership (I have it but cannot remember the member number ;-p, tot of requesting a new card.. But after half and hour waiting.. forget about it and just purchased the normal price ticket... *Sigh*)

Decorations in Genting was not so WOW this year.. It's not what I am expecting.. T_T.. But it's ok..
We only brought indoor rides tickets.. due to bad weather outside.. Unfortunately some rides was closed!! Heartache!!!! Plan not to buy ticket and just walking around... but with the kids around.. No way man... LOL

I am totally out of mood to take photo.. it will ended with taking all the crowds images only.. But have some here for you to enjoy.. ;-p

My nephews.. ^_^

Taking photos from above while on 1 of the rides..

When kids lining up for some rides.. you know what will happen right?? Especially when parents not able to stand next to them.. They all was so innocent.. Just been pushed and pushed and pushed..
When some1 kids, pushing other kids (Who was happen at that moment was very tired).. He will automatically defensing his self... You agree??? Some kid will defense him self, some will just let him self been bullied.
And when comes to self defense.. kids will use their own 'auto' self defense like push that kid back.. or shout at them or beat.. ;-p..
Today 1 of my nephew using his 'claws' to scratch that boy face.. Auchhhhhhhhhh! But it's all in the name of self defense.. I saw how the kids like sardine in that row.. for sure will create some drama..
The kid mom start to scold my nephew.. Which we don't realize at 1st.. they both was deep inside and lucky for that boy his mom was able to be there.. (If she is a blogger.. I believed she will write 'a bad brat scratch my son face'... without giving any reason why her son was being scratch... *Sigh*
My sister noticed this situation.. and she like from no way.. cut the kids queue and go to her kids to protect her son.. My sister ask her son to say sorry.. but you know kids.. he won't do that.. because he did that for a reason.. LOL.. 'Self defenses'..
he said that kids keep on pushing them.. and when they holding the iron bar.. the boy scolding them (Like.. why he cares??.. ;-p).. My little nephew get irritated and 'Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!'.... siap laporan.. ;-p (Yes the face got scratches with a mark.. ~.@)
1 thing I was mad with that women (The boy's mom).. No matter what happen.. DO NOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE KIDS (If your intention is to scold or to beat)!! She pointed finger to a small boy and grab my nephew hand and showing to my sister... and rambling.. Yes it was quite bad.. But please let the mom 'handle' their kids..
It was quite a dilemma when I think of it.. I put myself into the lady place.. How if my son got scratch my other kid with mark on the face..?? How do I feel??? Jeez.. I feel sorry for the lady too.. But please don't simply pointed other kids face and scolding infront of his mom... That's WAR!
Note: This was what I understand from my sister story.. I may need to edit if I got it wrong somewhere.. ^_^.. Nanti gaduh lagi... ;-p

The incident was not here tho'.. This was other rides.. and looking at all the kids craving for rides.. and have to line up by them self.. pity them... LOL.. But as long as they happy.. ^_^

My boy can't wait to enter.. He was so mad why the door was locked.. and he was trying to brake it.. o.O

Happy now???

Yeah... there are happy...

Trying for the Gondola.. ^_^

Mr Gondola.. scary face.. ;-p

Tired already..

Beautiful lighting..

My sister did not joining us for the Gondola ride.. She have to take care of the baby.. and taking our photo...
The kids was all tired.. we went back home.. OMG.. I almost fall asleep typing this post.. Good nite all..
Tomorrow will slow down with activity... ^_^
oh dear, not a good way to end the day, but at least you newphew wasn't hurt so thank GOD.
hopefully tomorrow would be better??
yes, that's what normally will happen when there were too many kids .... why J didn't look happy when his photo is taken??? Coz daddy is not there?? :)
sampai nak gaduh2 plak..ishk2 at least talk nicely lah kan..apalah itu orang..but u guys nampak having fun..especially the kids
Mommy Angel: May be hahahha...
LilyLotus: Tak leh jugak salahkan diaorang.. kita pun salah gak... susah nak ckp... dah nama dia budak2.... *Sigh*
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