Green environment..

Sexy Zebra.. ;-p

Horny cow?? ;-p

We reached at a point where a sign board mention 'Botanical Garden' and need to climb staircase a bit to go there..
Others don't want to go but I decided to have a look.. my sister join me and lastly my mom came after us (Ada tujuan lain lar tu.. Biar pun ada sign board said 'dilarang memetik' ke ape.. ;-p)

Bunga apa ni?? ^_^

Small river..

I tot will see lots of flowers but unfortunately the garden did not give me any WOW feelings.. *Sigh*..

Mak!!! Apa kau intip tu?????

Don't want to say much about the garden.. you judge it yourself by looking at the photos.. sad..

You know what is this?? ;-p.. I do.. Pernah guna time kecil2 dulu kat kampung.. ;-p.. Mesin getah yuuu... Have you smelled raw getah before??? Memang 'kick' la bau dia... LOL

Leaving the Botanical garden and continue with some animals photos.. ^_^

I spotted quite a number of international tourist too..

Sang Kancil.. Bijak ke you Kancil?? By looking at the eyes.. bole larrr.... ;-p

Some view of the area..

Monkey?? Different type of monkey..

Can't believe all this kids are from our womb.. LOL.. I love how they pose.. ^_^.. Byk2 binatang kat farm ni.. Tupai liar tu jugak jadi tumpuan siap calling 'Alvin!Alvin!'... o.O

Watch out for the shows..

I saw Ostrich on the farm.. and I spotted 1 Ostrich got lump on the buttock.. In my mind tot.. 'This is it.. I am gonna witness the Ostrich producing eggs LIVE!!!'
I put my camera ready... siap zoom lagi...

It's coming.. it's coming.. (For a moment I was thinking.. Tidak pecah ke the egg??).. I zoom lagi dekat... tiba2...

Kuwekkkkkkkkk!!!!!.......... Dia kencing rupanya!!! Brenset!!... LOL... So clear on my lens... This is a male Ostrich.. So you know lah... euwwwww.....

Ok.. don't think about it too long... lets see some flower.. ;-p
I remember when we small.. follow all the old people walk thru a jungle and when there was a thunder striking they will pluck this plant and put it on our ears.. They say will avoid from thunder striking.. o.O

At the reptile house.. You know what to expect right??

I just took the crocodile pics.. ;-p

If you want to see other reptiles without legs.. well come and see your self.. LOL..

Weird animal.. 'Blue cow???' I forgot the name.. If I am not mistaken.. it start with 'blue'.. ;-p

Lastly went for Elephant ride..

My boy so happy!!

The girls tried it too..

Ah!! Yang ni mendera ni... ;-p

You will climb up from this platform..

When you can go for Elephant ride.. (Rm5 per ride mind you... )

Poor Elephant have to carry a woman who was having almost the same weight like him.. ;-p

We are done here.. If you free (and sudah gaji.. ;-p) can bring your kids here.. ^_^
Wah...interesting place. Just like a zoo. Your photos are great. Eh..the ostrich memang teruk lah...haha..18SX. :P
The elephant ride is really something huh. Your boy is so brave coz it doesn't look safe...must hold on tightly to the rope or else will fall ler.
auwww! the zebra is truly sexy u!
wah...how come u know the cow is horny? hehehe
Hehe, gembira juga budak budak.
Via.. Horny.. horn la.. talking about their long horn hahahhahah..
Hi.. The animal you forgot the name is a bovidae, called Nilgai or.. Blue bulls, it's the biggest antelope found in Asia and one of the most commons ;)
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