Today morning.. 1st thing I do is to visit the bank to do the delayed 'bisness'.. ;-P
I make sure the cop is inside my handbag this time.. settle all the things in short time (fiuhh...) Cute2 juga all the gentleman working at that bank (Hahahah..sempat lagi..) after that heading to my shop, waiting for 1pm need to fetch my hubby..
After fetch my hubby we went for lunch at Tg Aru beach (First Beach Cafe) together with my 'in law'.. Order soo..oo much of food.. Sampai mau muntah.. Today I think my activity is more into eating.. I feels like gain weight some more.. LOL..LOL..
*Photo updated*

I make sure the cop is inside my handbag this time.. settle all the things in short time (fiuhh...) Cute2 juga all the gentleman working at that bank (Hahahah..sempat lagi..) after that heading to my shop, waiting for 1pm need to fetch my hubby..
After fetch my hubby we went for lunch at Tg Aru beach (First Beach Cafe) together with my 'in law'.. Order soo..oo much of food.. Sampai mau muntah.. Today I think my activity is more into eating.. I feels like gain weight some more.. LOL..LOL..
*Photo updated*

My Fav drink..
Believe it or not.. this 2 plate is mine..
Beautiful scenery..
Today we discuss about the journey to Keningau (Attending a wedding).. Me and hus plan to go on saturday morning only.. seems the dinner is at night. (WD and MK.. please take note.. :-P) but my in laws will go tomorrow.. So tomorrow activity is to bring my in law for bfast (Makan lagi.. )
on the evening.. went to Dongonggon have dinner with all my family and my in law.. gushh.. quite expensive and the food was only I give 4/10..... :-(
Cath... nda payah la ko control makan d sini, nti ko balik KL baru ko control ekeke... yg penting jgn lupa makan soto ngan rojak ah.. susah mo cari tu sana...
senang cari tapi 'test' @ 'rasa' memang susah cari...
rojak mmmmmmmmmm
cj makan jangan tak makan
This is amazing!! I am so glad I found your blog!
Welcome to my blog…….
Reading on all your balik kampung post.. buat sia rindu pun tia sabar mau balik juga.. sabar ja lah.. 3 minggu lagi bah.. :P .. Enjoy kama!
Enjoy your stay here in KK Cath! macam banyak tul program kamurang tu.....
cj kalo tia jadi pulang kampung sia hari ni, so mlm ni kita jump? hehehe
sjb>Rojak say don't really like.. ;-p
Evelyn>Sabar kau hehehe.. 3 minggu..amboi, balik christmas lah konon ni..
Aines> Ya...berabis ni, byk betul plan..Macam tidak cukup masa..memang pun nda cukup masa..
wend>Memang saya plan mau bawa keluar malam, coz my hubby p fishing with my father and my bro..tapi saya kena sakit perut lah (terlampau makan kali) surf internet ja lahh di rumah hehehe...
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