Before heading to Genting, stop by our favourite dim sum for Breakfast.. ;-p

On the way, saw this funny giant tap.. connected from the sky ;-p

Reach Genting Highland .. Weather today..

Covered with mist..
My Family 1st time visit to Genting.H ..My mom twice.. As for me... 5 times kut..

Belum apa2 father suda sakit kaki..aduhai....

We choose to visit the out-door and in-door theme park.. Cost about RM290 (5 adults - 2 Senior Ctz, 2 kids and 1 toddler)
1st activity was driving this antique car.. It will moved when we press the fuel paddle.
Have to line up.. well everything we need to line up of coz.. Be patient.. ;-p

Astagaaaa...c Aaron....hehehehe..

This is a restaurant..

Penat keee....?

Me with hub and son.. ;-)

Wo howww... I like this one... I want to try but I scared only my seat not able to fly up..(heavy..)LOL...LOL..LOL.. ada kah my hub say, don't lah...nanti you nangis..(what the...........)
'Double deck carousel'
besnyer, holiday kt genting...
Enjoy, hv fun...n merry christmas..
ampun si mama itu saja kegemaran dia tu hehehe
Ya...Saya mula2 mcm mau menangis kena paksa...LOL..sekali try...mau balik2...ok ja...not really scary..a little bit only..
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