Before going to SunwayL, we went to jalan 'Chan Sau Lin' (Not sure with the spelling ;-p) to eat this famous steam fish. The place was not that grand.. Just an old wood kampung house but the dish was sooo delishhh.... They don't serve many type of dish, only fish and sayur.. others was chicken and taufu..
The fish that they were using is not an expensive fish (banyak tulang type) but the way the cook the fish is excellent.. simple way but so healthy and delishhh... ;-p

That wood house is the stall..

Plain steam fish

Steam with salted beans..Spicy type.. nice!

Total RM106 Include drinks (8 person)


Parking is the biggest issue here.. So there is this few people will make $$ by doing this ala2 jokie lah..
OK.. Go to the SunwayL story..
This is the entrance.. Quite pack coz it was a holiday..

Some of the activity featured.. ;-p

Going down heading to the water theme park (Main adgenda)

Need to rent a locker to keep our stuff.. Rm5 per locker and close one time only! If you open it, you have to pay another token to closed it... (Pandai lah cari makan)

1st we use this locker, but it was spoilt.. makan duit tapi tak boleh close so the person incharge give us to use a different locker..

Entrance to water theme park..

Long time ago my hub say this tube no need to rent... now, kena rent! RM20 each.. but ada refunable deposit la.. I think RM10 kut..

Enjoy some of our photo.. not easy to take u know coz it was a wet land.. I have to bring my hand bag in..gushhhhhh... (Forgot bring plastic bag to cover)

This one best! Air tumpah..LOL..LOL.

Ini belum basah lagi..

Separuh basah.. Mesti lah mau main basah2..hihihi.. bayar mahal2 just watch and see rugiiiiii....

alahai...bapa..LOL..LOL..merenung nasib pula di sini...

See la..Dalam keadaan gawat mcm ni, I still have to carry my handbag...waduhh!
(Note: The leg with black tights is not my leg ahhh.... hehehe...)

hahaha...mcm tu lah pak..

Main ombak..wuu...huuuu...

Ini sudah habis basah...LOL..

This one best.. I have 1 clip doing the sliding.. Will update later..

After wet land, we changed ( long have to wait for people take shower and changed, inside the changing room...ada yg mcm forever!! Don't know what they doing inside..Mandi serious ke??...balik rumah baru mandi lahhh! Pistt off...waiting until baju and rambut saya kering!!!)

Next going to the dry land.. we are sooo exhausted pun buat perangai suda..ngantuk lah tu.. but time is already soo limited. By 6pm the theme park close..

Only managed to ride this.. :-(

Anak kelaparan, sumbat pop corn je dulu.. expensive you know the food! We managed to buy burger.. kecil tapi harga RM7...bagus kalau sedap... sedap lagi burger yg di jual di warung2 tepi jalan.. pop corn ni pun mahalllll.......

Ticket counter.. jalan2 cari makan..hub bawa to 1 place special with 'Bah kut teh'..
I am not a fan oh BKT but when try this restaurant punya recepi...mcm sedap pula...
This my Fav..

Seems like this restaurant very famous with the BKT.. byk hongkong artist come here and eat you know... You know how I know???

From this photo.. latest photo is 2008...jangan main2.. semua famous artist from hong kong!

I am so sorry not managed to take photo from outside to show the restaurant name, coz my camera out of bat!! I tried to remember the restaurant name (in chinese)..sampai rumah sudah gone..LOL..LOL..
Ok lah it is now 1247am.. Sooo tired... anak pun mcm not feeling well.. Tomorrow need to bring him to see doctor..

Entrance to water theme park..

Long time ago my hub say this tube no need to rent... now, kena rent! RM20 each.. but ada refunable deposit la.. I think RM10 kut..

Enjoy some of our photo.. not easy to take u know coz it was a wet land.. I have to bring my hand bag in..gushhhhhh... (Forgot bring plastic bag to cover)

This one best! Air tumpah..LOL..LOL.

Ini belum basah lagi..

Separuh basah.. Mesti lah mau main basah2..hihihi.. bayar mahal2 just watch and see rugiiiiii....

alahai...bapa..LOL..LOL..merenung nasib pula di sini...

See la..Dalam keadaan gawat mcm ni, I still have to carry my handbag...waduhh!
(Note: The leg with black tights is not my leg ahhh.... hehehe...)

hahaha...mcm tu lah pak..

Main ombak..wuu...huuuu...

Ini sudah habis basah...LOL..

This one best.. I have 1 clip doing the sliding.. Will update later..

After wet land, we changed ( long have to wait for people take shower and changed, inside the changing room...ada yg mcm forever!! Don't know what they doing inside..Mandi serious ke??...balik rumah baru mandi lahhh! Pistt off...waiting until baju and rambut saya kering!!!)

Next going to the dry land.. we are sooo exhausted pun buat perangai suda..ngantuk lah tu.. but time is already soo limited. By 6pm the theme park close..

Only managed to ride this.. :-(

Anak kelaparan, sumbat pop corn je dulu.. expensive you know the food! We managed to buy burger.. kecil tapi harga RM7...bagus kalau sedap... sedap lagi burger yg di jual di warung2 tepi jalan.. pop corn ni pun mahalllll.......

Ticket counter.. jalan2 cari makan..hub bawa to 1 place special with 'Bah kut teh'..
I am not a fan oh BKT but when try this restaurant punya recepi...mcm sedap pula...

This my Fav..

Seems like this restaurant very famous with the BKT.. byk hongkong artist come here and eat you know... You know how I know???

From this photo.. latest photo is 2008...jangan main2.. semua famous artist from hong kong!

I am so sorry not managed to take photo from outside to show the restaurant name, coz my camera out of bat!! I tried to remember the restaurant name (in chinese)..sampai rumah sudah gone..LOL..LOL..
Ok lah it is now 1247am.. Sooo tired... anak pun mcm not feeling well.. Tomorrow need to bring him to see doctor..
Good nite... zzzzzzz
Makanla puas-puas cj, before you start your own diet :P sikit ja...bukan crush diet.. Diet yg mesti makan punya....hehehehe...
amboi..asyik jln2 jer dia... besnyer...
Woww bestnya
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