Around 4pm we changed our plan to go to 'Low yatt'.. To buy my 'christmas gift'.. Yahoooo.... my hubby don't want to give suprice.. he worried I will not like what he choosed. So he bring me to choose it myself..
Before that, having lunch?dinner? coz it was in law house (neighbour only.. ;-)

After that went to Low yatt to purchase my Christmas gift.... after that heading to my brother in law condo to have a visit... He did not stay there.. but he rent it to other people..
Some photo of the condo.. The place called 'DUA RESIDENT'.
This Condo rented to a Thai couple at 10k permonth... heard me 10K!!!! a month (not a year..)
OMG!!!!!!! I can do a lots of stuff with 10K....... what the hell is the couple do? Afford to rent for 10K permonth... My mother in law say, the couple quite young...the husband work with SHELL company...mmm.. SHELL people must be rich... ;-p
10K???!! wooWWWWWW
Ya...wd....saya pun 'Wowwwwwww' juga...pening sia dengar...
Uikk, tu kaki ayam tu ba...hihihihih..sadap tu cj...!
Klu lah sia pun ada condo macam tu & sia kasi rent lg for 10k, sia goyang kaki ja yo tunggu duit kana kasi bank in bulan2x....dapat ja duit pidi salon lah, shopping lah....bah berangan sdh sia ni bayar 10k pun bukan untung....bayar bank bulan2 pun dalam itu price jugakk ohhh...
you guys should try the 'kai kiok' at Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, one of the best in town :)
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