My Sister..

Me and Mom..and my boy..

My sis staying in CA.. This area is where all the famous artist visting.. I mean for shows or interview..

Love how they make the car crushing the wall...looks real..

Sooo funny to see this 2 guys.. see what written on the board? 'Broke..Hungry..Help'.. Thats easy ah asking for $$? LOL.. but he is drinking a nice can drink there.. The Canadian people very kind hearted... sometimes they will give anyway..
hahaha, yes i remember this.. u will see lot of them on summer time.
ba cj careful careful ambil gambar, silap2 karang ada kana pukul.. eee
Hahahaha...Canada people semua frenly (So far yg I meet).. Tiada lah pandai memukul...LOL... Tapi time I ambil tu photo pun, I pura2 cek camera...tau2 suda snap...LOL...LOL
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