The stall is just simple and ordinary..

The foods...consider good... We tried some.. test good as well... I personaly like it ( 7/10 point for stall category)

My hub have this..

And this is mine.. I just loveeeee the soup! Got lots of 'sayur manis'... ;-p
Just the mee a lil' bit keras... a bit lah... but overall is 'best'...
Next time I got to try the other stall for Cendol and rojak! (I am not following my resolution no.3 ;-p.. ooo dearrr... )
Itu 'pan mian' yg laki kau order tu...nyam! nyam! nyam! sadap...mkn lagi denga cili padi potong..aduh!!! sedap nyaaa...
Mk..suda..suda...nanti nda menjadi diet kau... Ya Pan mian lah tu..
si joel heheh mini sunny oh.
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