This is a very fun way to have dinner.. I'm enjoying it..

Open space dining..

Free food fair.. Yahooooo! LOL... Before the 'real' dinner.. they serve lots of Thai tradition food for you to eat.. How good is that!
I am glad that our guide Mr. Tommy plan our tour time frame well. He always make sure we come early to each tour place, so that we will enjoy the tour without any other tourist existant.. We managed to try all the food.. later a lot people coming and once the food finish, thats it... No more.. you can only have your real dinner later..

My fav.. ;-p

Hanging around while waiting for our real dinner..

Laparrrr ke???

OK dinner is going to start... take out shoes everyone!!!

Our place was not at the open air.. we were place at this house.. but still consider open air.. ;-p

Before our dinner starting... suddenly the same camera man on the airport come to take a photo of us... Oh dear!!! Pandai cari makan ooo! LOL...
This time I take photo with my family.. don't want separate.. expensive u knw.. 1 frame RM10.... So tips... remember! If you visiting Chiang Mai... make sure u take 1 photo with family to avoid pay more...unless, $$ is a small matter for u.. ;-)

See.. Have to pay 2 frame... Luckly they didn't take my boy photo.. :-x

The food.. This is real dinner... So so only la the food... But I realy loves the experience! Must Try!

After kenyang...go for a walk.. Jumpa this budak.. tak tau malu..

Performances during dinner..

This is the open space area..

Thats the end of our 1st day Dinner.. Going back for some shopping...

Shopping heaven.. Have to come out your very best 'bargain' talent.. It is quite hard for me to bargain soo low... coz I am a biz women as well..(Small bis ;-p) and I kw how they feels... LOL... My hus knock my head when I say that... >:-"
Oh... I fall in love... Painting with charcoal.. Mcm mau cuba lah.. ;-p (a'Mcm budak hutan?? ;-P)
I saw this custom made sign board.. Funny la the toilet sign.. we plan to buy.. but quite expensive RM30.. and tired to bargain already... Penat mulut!!
Before going back to hotel.. I try this 'Banana Chocolate roti'..
Not bad.. But I feels like a 'gassy' taste.. may be from the banana.. what type of banana is that??
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