They mention will come out with a broadband.. and very fast..
Well.. GOOD!
Back to my Zoom Malaysia..
Would like to show this seems its a limited time only.. Come and visit.. ;-D
Cultural experience at Heritage Village, Museum Sabah. Only from 4th - 11th May 2009. Start from 10am - 5pm.
Oh Yes.. There is an admission ticket ya.. adult RM5... kids FOC...
The entrance..
Interesting wall..
..closer look..
Old fashion raw rubber machine.. Believe it or not I tried this machine when I was small at my 'kampung'.. The raw rubber was so stinky!!!!!!!!!!! I can still remember the smell until now! But I appreciate all the memories.. ;-D
This is the flower of my soul... I love them... unfortunately they were not blooming at this moment. Plan to go back early morning to take a shot on all those huge blooming lilies.. T_T
Love this shot.. ;-p
This is the 'sago' tree.. tradition way of producing 'sago' or some call 'ambuyat' ?? I think I will make a demo on this later... Not the process of making the 'sago' from tree... but how to cook and eat it.. lol..
The staircase was very tiny and tall.. I mean the steps width was only half of my feet.. lol
Traditional games..
Every body can do...
Oh yess... me too..
Crapp!....FAILED! Yeahhhh....laugh.... go on.. >:-"
My boy tak mau kalah...
Another unique staircase...
Long house...
The floor.. very airy..
Oh yesss.... this is a must, no matter how tradition or modern your house is... ;-p
Sweat...sweat... quite hot inside...
I used to stay in that type of "airy floor" house (my grandma's old house) before when I was small on school holidays. :D
I used to feel afraid to go pissed at night (toilet is outside and 100 meters away). So, when no one was watching I just relieved myself through the floor. LOL. what can we do right??? lol....
ky chua - hehehhe that funny.
cath j - ampun si amber makin montel kali baju saya pun dia muat oh.
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