Woww...the bridge swing hard.. in few minutes... I already feel a bit seasick... lol..
Something is not right.. lets throw this 'lady in yellow' to the lake???????
That's better.. ;-p
Some ladies cleaning the fish..
More fish from the orang asli...
Ohh.. I think guest are welcome here.. got small coffee shop..
Some fish on their pond..
Aik... you pun nelayan kah???
funny bah the monkey
ada la kamu mkn ikan sana? I mean d kedai kopi ?
cath, dulu kan time sikul sa ada family angkat ba di beluran...rmh dia ala2 kena jln mcm tu la..adoiyai, demam sa seminggu sana o..
hohoho..i luv kampung nelayan. but never been there pun~ :D
Wd...tiada lah...hihihihi
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