Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Last Post for Bamboo Raft at Wuyishan

Like it or not.. you will served with lots and lots of photo in this blog ;-p..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
Believe it or not this is a grave?? How on earth they climb the hill?? And why they want to put it there?? Jeez...

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
This is the land mark for Wuyishan.. ^_^

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
That's why the lady raft 'driver' offer to take a shot on this area ^_^..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
My boy woke up..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
They using bamboo stick to move this bamboo raft... with a hard iron at the end..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
Some driver was very un-patient... and they sometimes hit our bamboo raft... urghhhh!!!

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
See???? Next time if you happen to try this, choose a lady 'driver'... ^_^

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
The journey took about 1 hour and 4o minutes (Approx).. and we will stop at a different station..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
Lot's of people..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
Some souvenirs shop selling stuff here..

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan

Bamboo Raft Wuyishan
Hey!! Whose puppy is this??? ;-p

End of WuYiShan.. Next day.. travel to Xiamen.. our last stop and will be flying back to Malaysia from Xiamen.



Mama Mia said...

Wah, nowadays not only got road-bullies but river-bullies as well.LOL.

Beautiful scenery..

Oliveoylz said...

The water raft ride seems very tranquil and peaceful until ur boy also tertidur...

Miss Mathew said...

OMG! I 1 to go to Wuyishan too!!! sioknya gurl!

Reanaclaire said...

haha... i still fear the water.. the water can come up to the raft , yeah? ooooo... takut... how to overcome this?

CathJ said...

Ms Mathew.. you go next year lah... They closed it for the time being... they takut got H1N1... ^_^