This is the Kundasang market, on the way to Ranau. Cold place.. especially at night ^_^..
My old time fav is to see what flowers they have ^_^..
Fresh vege..
This is 'cute'.. what is this??? ;-p
Soo much to see in Kundasang and Ranau.. Have not enough time to explore more.. will be back next time.. ^_^

hehe! 'wht is ths?' sayur tu gurl..sadap tu!
Sayur??? Ohhhh.... I dun knw if I've eaten that b4.... ;-p
i like the beetroot... in fact just now baru drank a mum boiled it with potatoes and onions...
Wow...everything is so fresh. The place looks cold. IS it?
Oh yes mummy Gwen.. Kundasang is a cold place.. ^_^
where is this kundasang and ranau located at? me bad in geography ler...looks the market is at a hill top like cameron highlands...
Oh... so sorry Via... its in KK...sabah... ^_^
Yes feels like Cameron highland..^_^
Wah i miss those places ..will be spending our holiday here in december ..ohh kalau tidak silap ..mcm kuchai flower lah tuu cath ..mmg buli makan
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