Visiting Perth you must go for a wine testing.. and we take this chance to do it as well before dawn.
Our 1st wine testing (Means there was no.2.. ;-p).. was at Sandalford Wines..
Before entering the place.. saw some lovely flowers along the entrance..
To visit Perth around Aug or Sept.. don't even think will see a tons of grapes .. It's all bald!! BOTAK... well.. it's winter time..
Hey.. This factory win some awards.. ^_^
Inside the shop..
Once broken consider sold.. and my boy run here and there playing with his balloon... T_T
For your info.. Most of the Wines shop advertise with FREE Wine testing.. but you actually need to pay.. It will only be free if you bought a wine.. o.O
Ini bukan muka mabuk... but kepenatan..... Tireddd...
All the list of wine you can test.. I did not taste all.. Only some.. ^_^
Ok boy.. watch out... He saw some key chain..
Lot's of people coming here for a wine testing..
To avoid from been charged.. we bought this.. ;-p... I love this wine because it taste sweet... like sparkling juice... ^_^.. (So far we finished 1 bottle already... up to today.. )
Time to go.. and I take some pictures outside the shop..
This was the shop and factory..
Infront full with Lavender flowers..
Winter timeeeeee.....
I dedicated this to UmiRosma.. Ros.. bunga Lavender for you... ^_^ (Hope your girl feeling better already..)
Mmm... not bad.. my cheap camera can take this pic.. ;-p
*Sigh*... He loves the carpet grass... but it was a wonderful afternoon for us.. I think this was like about 4pm.. Cold breeze with not so hot sunshine.. with a beautiful green grass... Heaven!
Saw a Dafodil flower.. So lovely.. match with the trees... Looks like painting !!! *LOVE*
Take a nearer shot.. Sigh.. don't really zoom the flower.. But I love it...
So do my boy.... ^_^
What? The free wine testing is not actually free? Luckily you told us. Actually if we buy the wine, isn't it more expensive than the wine we tested? Hahaha... tricky marketing.
Well Willie.. It's not expensive lah... The wine that we bought was around AUD20++?? The cheapest among all..
Wine testing.. AUD3 perperson.. nye tengok pic ko cath. melancong je kerja erkk..lenkali bawak aku sekali taw
Waduhhh mummysyafie.. ini sambungan yg hari tu tuuuu... belum habis lagi hehehhehe...
Cath, like the photo of ur son enjoying the grass! So cute! U look very "gaya" tasting the wine. I went to the vineyards in Adelaide, and didn't taste any wine, can u believe that? Wine doesn't agree with me :(
i don't think i'll be able to savour and enjoy wine tasting cuz i dislike bitter drinks. hehe. but you look totally pro in the wine tasting pic..
cat, hehe i don't think it winter maybe u try to say is "FALL" (*_*). It's to early for winter usually around December. Anyway, maybe Australia different weather.
p/s: si joel cute bah, rasa rasa buat snow angel kah heheh.
SJB: Australia called it winter.. ^_^.. Coz Their winter no snow.. T_T
Cindy: Oh dear.. Pro??? Hahahaha... I never like wine too.. but the 1 that I taste was a sweet wine... ;-p
I don't enjoy wine either..haha. I get drunk easily..LOL. Really, look so gaya tasting the wine. ;)
oh ya off course (*_*).
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