Our 1st tour was at the Hollywood..
My 1st caption.. ;-p
Enjoy the photos.. There were shades on rooftop so it will be safed during hot day or rainy season..
I am glad this place was not that packed.. May be because it's still new.. and it's not a school holiday(?).. But some places are still under construction and I believe more attractions in future..
Err.. not a mascot ya.. ;-p.. They really look like dolly from Japan.. ^_^
Ah.. This is the mascot.. not the guy with Tshirt.. ;-p... The Frankenstein.. Hubby wanted to take photo but they don't allowed.. coz they have a spot where you can line up and take photo..
You might need to take the schedule pamphlet to see the time when and where to take photo with mascot and legend artist.. You can take it from any small shop around..
LOL.. look at the excited parent faces.. the child buat duno... ~.@.. But my boy was totally happy.. He can named this character.. I forgot what he called this guy..
Cute Popcorn shop.. ^_^
Proceed to next area..
Next will be the Madagascar..
To be continue..
Wah...so many attractions. I don't know what's that duck called either..hehe.
Hahaha lucu juga dorang limpas saja si SY. Kesian pulak saya tengok heheh.
Looks like syiok oh kan? They don't have that tour yang ada water etc macam di USA tu ka?
P/S: I think that cartoon character is Woody Woodpecker... :)
Mimi: Ya I think it's woodpecker too.. but my boy have diff name for this character...LOL..
Yes They do have water tour.. will talk about it later.. ^_^
Wah. A good one. I wonder when Sarawak is going to have one.
Willie: They have it at Genting lorrrr....
I didn't know about this place.next time I'll bring my family there!
Just cant wait for the Madagascar zone...my kids loveeeeee them sooo much *other kids too lah* hehhee
seronoknya..mcm mau pegi juga!
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