My previous post (Click here to read).. The old man as the head was ready with the ceremony.
The groom was asked to seat with the elderly on the floor where all the food was served.
He was greeted by the elderly.. The guy was from a different ethnic and I believe he has no idea what's going on.. ^_^
Remind me of my hubby.. He is Chinese and married with me a Kadazan girl.. and he need to go thru some traditional ceremony of mine and same goes to me.. I have to go thru his Chinese tradition ceremony too.
We have no idea what we are doing just go with the flows.. LOL..
Brides Mom..
The old man start his 'song'.. (Kind of).. It's not a song like singing. but more into a poem in their own tone..
So while the old man was doing his thing.. the groom was ask to eat.. he have to eat until the old man stop.
I remember that in my race (My mom side, Papar).. the bride and groom will sit together and eat together, called 'Mi-ihang' .. But I am not sure why on this ceremony the guy eating alone.. May be that is their tradition. ^_^
While the groom eating.. all the people surround him will watch him... (What you feel if you were in his position?? ;-p)
Makan... jangan tak makan... ^_^
The bride aunt.. (Bride sweating yo.. ^_^ )
While the ceremony was still on.. I managed to captured some beautiful items around.. Some samples of the Lotud ethnic costume.
I was amazed with the decoration around.. almost same with the 'Bajau' ethnic (But I saw Chinese will have theirs too.. well we have the similarity anyway)..
My mom said it takes years to completed this decorations.. they have to do it by hand.. bit by bit and join it together to create a long piece..
Almost done..
Love the costume... and for the head piece.. We called it 'Sigal'.. I am not sure if they have other names for this..
The brides tradition costume.. Love it!! It's like showered with diamonds.. ^_^
The ceremony was over.. and some traditional dance was performed. Managed to captured another type of their costume...
Now I know how Lotud tradition dance is.. ^_^
But the costume have been improvise to modern touch..
Now bride and groom can sit on the main table for food (Poor groom.. have to eat again.. ;-p).. and watching all the performance..
I am done.. and going to make a way home soon... I saw this wood on the floor.. remind me of my childhood days.. in my kampung most people using this type of material.. Soooo cooling...
Wow... love the beads and pieces!! ^_^
I spotted a nice view at the back of the hall..
It instantly turn back forward my childhood memories.. Beautiful!
Untung you managed to attend traditional wedding like this.. Sayang bah most wedding sekarang westernized sudah kan? This one so full of adat la tu kan?
wow..very cultural Cath.. never seen live like this..
uuu i macam kenal de bride oh. muka dia macam pernah ikut unduk ngadau sini tuaran dulu. she kerja air stewardess ka dat or something at the airport..
and the headgear urang tuaran panggil "sundi"
Joan: Nah... dia lah tu... ;-p (What a small world) 'Ipar adik sia'.. ^_^
nah dia lah tu..apa nama dia..hehe.
cos i joined UN tuaran 2007 yang time joanna rampas menang. she third place. i fourth place dat. ( hehe sempat lagi ni)
Very interesting. The makan part is funny offence ya.
babe..kalau la ai berpeluang gi wedding ni..nampak happening la n baju tu nampak cantik.
plus the "pelamin" nampak unik
Best lah. Rugi tidak dapat datang huhu.
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