Just want to post this up for Friday view.. another new hotel discovered during our jalan-jalan at Janda Baik, Pahang.
It's a very very new hotel.. that time when we visited the hotel.. just 1 month open..
Spectacular view from the lobby..
Hubby asking about the price.. Not bad.. around RM160++ the cheapest (Promotion rate).. planned to stay there that day, unfortunately when we visit the room.. still have this NEW smells.. and hubby cannot take it.. ~.@
So we canceled.. May be need to wait for another months.. ^_^
Visiting the rooms.. I did not take any room pics.. maybe you can check it out on their website..
Sneak peek on the pool.. ;-p
Love the view.. :D
Last pic..
Have a great days!!!
wow.. u have been to many hotels.. so this is not good,huh? still got new hotel smell? painting or what..
It's a good hotel.. but still too new.. mmm it's like paint and leather smell.. :D
Wah, thanks for this post.. At least next time boleh singgah singgah. Ada spa ka?
Mi: yg itu tidak pula saya tercheck.. ^_^
Mi I check out their web.. ada ohhh... spa resort... mesti berbaloi harga dia.. :D
Any activity to do there?
This hotel has no CF yet as per the staffs there. So a bit risky as Janda Baik is the centrepoint for earthquake in Malaysia. I was wondering around when Bomba people comin and ask the staffs whats happening!!!
thanks for sharing
dalam area ni ade tak homestay / budget hotel (if u know)
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