The best month to visit HK.. especially Disneyland (Which a fun land for family with kids around 10 yo and below) and the Ocean Park (Which I think fun for family with kids 11 and above or for all the teens).. is around mid of Sept - end of Feb.. It's their Winter season (But No snow lah.. ;-p)
1 more thing to remember.. during your travel to HK.. do not play SMS with your hp.. coz SMS is much more expensive than calling.. doesn't matter using your own number or not..
Last but not least.. we were remind that.. to take photo using your hp and direct send to your FB is so much expensive.. it's like 1 photo uploaded can cost about 800 HK dollar.. (100hk dollar is about RM40++ our money).. But if you have the money... who cares kan?? (Oh not me.. ;-p)
Continue my pics during the parade.. ^_^
Kesian si Ariel.. sure sejuk... tiada baju.. ;-p
Ah my boy fav.. ^_^
The important characters.. Unfortunately we did not have the chance to take photo with them personally.. We are soo late already..
But No worries.. I can see that we will visiting HK Disneyland again with our new born baby (After she/he reach 2 years old lah.. ;-p)
That's all I can take for the parade.. you can witness it your self when you visiting HK Disney.. ^_^
Oh fun...
I like the green soldiers tu...
Anyway..tnx for the infor about HK Disneyland...may we nanti sampai pegi sana..but one thing as you have mentioned...about the Muslim foodies...dahlah tak bole bawak foodies masuk...aduiiii
Ros: Don't worry.. I believe ada restaurant yg selling something without 'non halal' food... may be have to go for a little bit expensive restaurant(??).. I saw some small2 stall jual simple food juga.. I think that will be safe too.
next stop, HK disney land. have to start saving now. how are you feeling now?? any vomiting continuing? do take care...
I love HK Disney .. my first time going to Disney...memorable...
nice. me and my son went in end sept.
we also spend a lot of money on the photos. the disney ppl took for us one and we went to print. i thought once in a lifetime kan.. so i spend a lot of money.
btw, can email me at racheljtle @ gmail. com thanks . reason for my son blog to see ur pics in HK disneyland..I wish I can travel anyway like u..But I will one day..but when heheehhe...Im a friend of ummi to share ur vacation..follow me ok..
Littlelamb: Thanks for the email.. I forgot what is all about but will figure it our soon..
Liz: Hello Liz... Ok will do that.. :D.. Thank you for visiting me.. ^_^
Cindy: Thanks honey... Oh yes.. I am still experiencing nausea.. I tot it's gonna end soon.. but I was so wrong.. may be bcoz of my hormone (Old already.. -____-).. nice! Now I know what's the best time to visit HK Disney..thanks. :)
Hope you are doing fine now. I read you vomitted again. DO take care.
I made a mistake by reading this post in front of the kids and they went NUTS looking at the pics! Adeiiiiii....nampaknya Disneyland is our next destination lah ni kalau begini. Lol!
Gorgeous pics by the way!!
Fely: hahahhaha... same here... can't show what we watching especially new toys or nice places like Disney... They won't stop until we said 'YES'.. LOL...
Mummy Gwen: ya.. weird.. then morning sickness comes again.. still have the nausea... but I am fighting so that I don't throw out.. unless I really can't take it.. -_-
Tu askar askar macam betul oh kan?.
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