Update: My baby sleeping all the way during the journey on the plane.. He will make sound sometimes and after that sleep again. I hope will be the same when I going back home.. ^_^.
A new challenge and experience for me.. Well that is what my blog all about.. traveling with kids.. ^_^
Where is my 1st destination this year?
Guess where??
I believed most of Sabahan can answer me straight away.. ;-p
Oh well.. as I mentioned.. I am going back hometown.. and I am taking the opportunity to visit some places around..
My hubby and son.. trying to let my boy sitting on the wood fence.. but he was not confident.. ~.@.. at last have to take photo with daddy..
After few attempt.. he made it.. ^_^
Oh wait.. did I told you where is this?? We were at the DESA DAIRY FARM at Mesilau Kundasang. It's a cooling place and I just love it.
That day.. we took about 2 hours from my house.. I repeat.. from my house ya.. so the time frame might be different from your location.. some people can reach around 1++ hours..
I was actually plan to visit not only the scenery, also planned to witness the process of having the DESA milk.. Unfortunately, we are too late and it was close.
Open time : 8am-5pm.. (we were there around 5.30pm.. -_-)

Proudly presenting Sabah product DESA Milk.. Image source
If you able to enter the farm.. you can actually have an up.. close and personal with the cattle.. ^_^
Felt amazed with the grass.. ^_^
The road going to the milk factory.. the whole area is the farm.. Huge!
You can actually see the beautiful view of the Kinabalu mountain from here.. unfortunately the cloud was too thick that time.. I only able to see the peak.. -_-
Still hoping the cloud will shed off.. but my dad said.. it won't happen at this time.. around 5.30pm..
It might be beautiful if you come around 2-3pm.. I think that time the cloud will be lesser.. and imagine how the view is.. must be amazing..
It's not getting lesser.. but getting thicker.. -_-
So we decided to go home.. oh not home back to where we stay.. ^_^
Did not take lots of personal photo here.. coz I am carrying my baby all around.. ~.@.. But still able to snap an awesome photos.. (ah-hem) ;-p
This is how I carry my baby.. with the cloth.. My mom sew that for me!! ha!.. ;-p
(But I just bought a new carrier.. using cloth too.. it's trend now a days.. so I decided to use it too.. ^_^)
Another pic of me.. I think I am not that strong enough yet, to carry my baby that way so often.. after a while.. I felt my operation a little bit pain.. *sigh*.. (Yeah.. I delivered my baby thru C-sec.. 1 month and 15days ago.. ~.@)
So cute. I carry my baby like that too in Australia. Everyone keep watching.
juz want to ask, ur baby didn't cry ka, i mean in flight?
Nice trip...
oohh! I LOVE THAT MILK! FRESH milk! xD
lydia: I am so lucky.. he did not cry.. sleep all the way... only few times he like make sound.. shake2 a bit, dia tidur balik.. hope will be the same when I go back home nanti.. ^_^
wahh..45 days only? take care.. Cath..
Wah..Cath! U've been there oD..huhu..saya lg ni..blum tpigi..huhu...
So cute the way u carry ur baby..Sa pun suka dukung guna tu ja dlu, tp tau2 ja la urg kurus ni..pndai sakit bahu..hehe..
Next time it'll be my turn..hihihi..sa mau tingu susu lembu..My son suka mnum susu lembu skrg.. tp yg dutchlady la..nanti balik sabah bru kc rasa dia ni susu lembu tempatan.. ^_^
Beila Ace: oi.. org gumuks pun kesakitan bahu... ohhh... gilaaaa.... hihihihi....
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