Anyway.. a tour around the Kiram's Village garden.
Not much activity here.. but you can hang around with family while doing some BBQ (Set to rent)..
There are few nice places to visit in Kundasang.. May be can go for tour and on the evening can spend time for BBQ and resting..
I love all the pine trees..
For me.. I love to hang around on the garden and enjoying the cold breeze..
While wondering around.. I am wishing to have such a lovely garden in my house.. hihihi.. but think of the maintenance.. Oh may be not.. unless I hire a full time gardener.. ;-p
Lovely or not?? ^_^
My mom cannot join us to this trip.. she is preparing for my baby full moon party (On the next day).. When she saw all the houses, she says she want this type of house in future.. OK mom.. lets say finger cross.. ^_^
People here so blessed to have a very nice weather.. they can plant anything!! I mean all the imported flowers or veggies.. IF only I have a land here.. sure make a small home vacation with lots of flowers.. hihihi..
*Ada orang Kundasang mau jual tanah kah? Make sure ada mountain view ah.. ^_^
My boy amazed with all the flowers.. Wait until he visit UK during spring time.. sure jaw drop like mummy.. ^_^ (Finger cross for this too.. ^_^.. Dalam perancangan.. jeng jeng jeng..)
My mom mau buat rumah macam ni konon.. ada loteng2 di atas.. adui mom, kalau di sini cuaca sejuk ok lah.. kalau di KK tu.. atukkkoi.... panas!! Jadi udang kita mak!! ~.@
Yang mahal.. the view.. all the mountain hills view.. breath taking!!
Can you spot my boy? ^_^
I can see the ladies are in the progress planting more flowers.. but not in this pic lah.. ^_^
The entrance for Kiram's Village..
Cafe.. But it closed.. I did not tried any of their food.. coz we went out..
More views of the cabins..
So if you planning to come.. do check out the info from their site HERE.
cath punya siok ni tmpt...seblah mana ni kiram village? sa mau p ni next time...:)
Back to the beautiful nature - flowers and mountains landscape so captivating... mahal tak?
very nice place. Never been here. Rumah parent sekarang ada loteng jadi tempat membiak kelawar...hehehe..
Anne: check out their website.. ada map tu.. :D
lriene: check website nya yer.. I ada bagi link kat bawah.. semua harga ada kat dalam web mereka.. ^_^
Nah, ini kali lah. Tq for your info cj, sa lum smpi sini. Nanti sa mau pigi sana...for my wedding anniversary photo shooting ngeh ngeh ngeh *finger crossing too*
Sungguh tanam strawberry dgn sihat ni...
I wish my place is like this...fresh air...
Wah so nice!didnt know such place exist in kundasang.thanks 4 sharing!
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