I think this place is for the communist to have meetings..

The Captain communist giving instruction to 'kuli' communist.. (When we were acting.. some visitors were there also...having free show by looking at us.. *Blush*

AIKKKK???? Cikgu?? you waiting for us ah???? (>_<)"
Now.. we were in the show house.. showing all the stuff used by the communist before.
This is to stock their rice..
Dental seat (???)... *gulp*
How on earth they watch TV under the ground?? (Ada piala pulak tu... )
Jeng...jeng...jeng.... Ada juga Communist tukang jahit ah?? ;-p
Tapi.. the brand... jangan mareeee.... *wink*
This is stamping... I think to print a book..
Jeez.. What ever it is.. I felt quite disturb with the lovely pink chiffon as the decor background >:-" (Kalau bomb tu ganti cake kerrr.... ok lah jugak.. T_T)
Uiskkk.... ada bintang filem eh??? What ever!!
Some of the medical stuff.. still got water inside.. real 1 from those days... yaiks.. I asked what is the wire for?? The communist lady say 'acupuncture'....WHATTTT!!!????
See the pointed stuff.. my MIL said this will be used to pull the baby head from *Tuutttt*.. Jeez!
(My MIL is on nursing before retire.. so she knows every single thing about the 'accessories').. T_T
This for the dental .. (>_<)
Heloooo.... the communist false teeth... lol..lol.. (Opps..)
I ended The Tunnel tour with this REAL teeth of the communist.. yaikssss....
That looks so historical! Was it exciting? By the way, thanks for the visit!
Jake: exciting???? lol.. Hard to answer.. that is not the correct word on this place ^_^...
but seems the tourG already bring me here... I would very happy to share everything I see during my tour...
might give a lil knowledge or maybe..B.O.R.I.N.G to some of you (lol..) but for me..I felt another 'knowledge' top-up in my travel journey 'prepaid of life' .. ^_^
(What the heck I am mumbling about..jeez Jake ...hope u dun mind..I'm a mum..remember.. ;-p)
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