Fun Fairr..

Clown everywhere..

My sis and son at the back..LOL..

'Tea cup'

Actually we plan not to go, coz soo tired walking already... but we saw there is a cave there, so we give a shot... advise to go... tak pergi rugiiii.....want to see moving Giant Dino in the dark?? than you must go here!

The entrance

Must take the boat to enjoy the dino thrill..

This is not the one I am talking about...

Going side the cave..

It's like inside the 'anaconda' scene..

Bad news...it is very dark...not so clear with camera.. You will need to go there and experience it yourself!!!!
Ya...it is dark...I told you... You have to experience it your self.. Not soo thrill but fun.. ;-)
Outside already...
Outside already...
The last time I went to Genting Theme Park was on year 2000. It was a great experience! Hope I manage to come there next year during my graduation somwhere month of June 2009!
wow enjoy juga kamu eh
Wow... last i pigi Genting tahun 2001... banyak betul perubahan. Nanti mau pigi la.. best pulak tengok gambar2 mu. Siok nya...
Yesss...best byk yg baru...kena experience the Dinosour land.. dalam gelap2 tiba2 ada kepala BESARRRRRR with gigi BESARRRRRR mengaum2 di belakang kau....menangis budak2!LOL...LOL...(eh jahatnya saya)..
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