Ended with.. Mommy's tops 3 pcs... Son's Sam Fu?? None.. T_T.. err... The sales girl say finish.. ;-p..
So next agenda.. EAT! Yaa... Ya... I know.. I remember my 'resolutions' *Finger cross*.. to loose weight.. LOL..
Our eating place this time at 'Opah Rendang'..

My Hubby choose Johor Laksa..

Taste? Personaly ' 7/10'.. (I teringat about Yiling's blog ' Taste may be vary to others...pls don't sue me... I have no money... LOL...LOL... welll... same here.. I just got $$ for my handbags.. shoes.. bla...bla.. ;-p... )

This is what I take.. Ohh yess.. Lining up..from the nasi to the air bandung... goshhh... I need to burn all the fat soon (Exercise.. God Have Mercy..!! excersice?? What is that???) I was joking ya.. I knw it is not funny... I was just acting stupid.. PMS.. T_T....................

Ohhh I finished everything!!! except the rice.. ;-).. For my food... I give 7.8/10

I ask for Cendol... I tot, Cendol drink.. rupa2 nya... Ice!!!! I eat it... I forgot I am having PMS (I just remember now.. this moment... gushhh...no wonder I am having a hard time with my stomach.. >:-"

This is Otak-otak!! LOL.. Actualy I don't know what is this.. I saw this daun kelapa berlipat.. I put it a side.. my hubby say, that's otak-otak, Y u throw?? Huhh?? ohhh... so I opened it, this is inside.. taste ok.. not my fav but it is OK..
wahhh Joel pun montel suda...
Makan cj, makan..jgn tidak makan...!! :p
oh ya cendol sedap tu, mana lah ada di sini ni.
Hahahaa...suen nanti u dtg kita p makan k.. ;-P
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