Teringat kampung ku dulu2... Now kampung pun jadi bandar... hampeh!
Most place using this leaves to make the roof top.. I was wondering what type of leaves is that?

My son...ready for the tracking.. ;-p

Drying the wooven..

Selling souvenirs on their house veranda..

I dreamt about this scenery before!! How wonderful!!!!

My hub with the funny hat (We bought that hat anyway.. )

Me and son..

Very nice hand made craft!

Traditions costume.. eh?? almost like 'murut' or papar traditional costume (Borneo native)..

My boy forced to sit there.. ;-p

Wah.. I miss my Kampung already!!!

They using this water for their plants..

I love their garden!!!! Teringat my mom's kebun.. *sob*sob*

Woi... di serang oleh budak2 with their vehicle... jangan main2 ooo..

My favourite photo of the day!!!!! Shine from heaven!!!!!!!

A girl with the gold ring on neck.. Y are they wearing it?
We were told like this :
a) To avoid from tiger attack on neck
b) To scare ghost
c) To differentiate their ethnic..
d) It was their traditions..
This was long long time ago.. in modern days most of them not wearing it anymore..

Whats up??! Elephant and giraffe.. LOL...LOL..
I tried to carry the ring on their neck.. O..M..G!!!!! So heavyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! If I put that on my neck, I think my shoulder will brake (no matter how BIG my size is... God have mercy!!! )..
I can't hardly carry up the ring! And they start put up the ring on 2 years kid! auchhhh....

My son with his 'ber-chea'

My son taking photo with 1 of the Padong girl.. even my son can feels the pain of using that ring.. he say to me " mommy... pain...pain" and holding his own neck..

He love to play with the girl.. LOL..

She was eating rice that moment.. (Wahh jauh lah perjalanan nasi ke perut.. ;-p)

1 lady with a long hair... fuhhh...

Hand Woven...
i heard that they don't take off their neck ring to bathe...is it true?
The traditional costume reminds me of the the Baju Kadazan...esp when it is also black in colour..
Cindy: They take it out my dear.. even when they go to sleep. The tour guide said soo..But I am not sure on those days...long2 time ago... may be they never open.. LOL..
CherishT: Ya.. soo connected kan?
Man.. your boy so cute.
I love all the shots. Yep, reminds me of my kampung too. I keep scrolling up for the title. Chiang Mai pulak. Hahaha.
papajoneh.com here.
PapaJoneh: LOL...baru kau tau??? LOL..
i think the neck ring is for 'panjangkan' their neck..hahahahha..
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