Enjoy my photo..

Uik....nak'.. apa kau termenung tuuu???

Lovely colourful fruits..

..and vege..

Wanted to buy.. But I don't wear those.. soo skip..

Binatang yg paling I benci.. tapi lawa pula hiasan dia ni..lol..

I ask my boy to take photo with the girl... punya lah pemalu my boy..

This is my fav of all..the VANILA!!!! Owwww... I love the smell!!! This is how Vanila looks like when it dry.. Means ready to be used.. You have to scrap inside it and use it as 1 of the cooking ingredient...especially cakes.. Ohh... nothing smells better than the original... EXPENSIVE YOU KNOW!!!! 1 bundle on pic price 1 hundred pluss..
The best part is.. I ask the sales man if they sell the plants.. He say 'YES'...OMG!!!!! My heart jumping in joy!! I say I want!! So I bought it at RM9... Ohh I always wish to have my own Vanilla tree.. I tought the plants can only be found in europe .. Wah rupanya ada in asia... Yeyyyy....

He help me to dismantle so that easy for me to put inside my luggage..
My Vanila is happy at my garden now.. start grows new leaves.. I am soo happy.. Will update about my vanilla progress on my other post..
I want to share something here.. few days after Bali.. I was planning to change some of my garden landscap... soo I visit some of the nursery near by my house to find some plants and flowers... you know what I saw??????????????

Saw all the plants inside the black poly beg????? Thousands of Vanila trees!!!!!!!!!!! O...M...G!!!!!!! Soooooooooooo Manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy here in Msia and just near by my house!!!
I try to ask the lady how much 1 poly beg?? She say not selling for individual.. they only sell for people who wanted to buy it for business.. minimum order 1 thousand poly beg.. and 1 beg is RM12..........
Ohhhh... Than I am relief... Means I bought cheaper and very lucky can buy 1 tree.. lol... Mmmm... but I think planting Vanila trees is a good biz... don't you think??
Oh .... can you bring plan into our country? I thought it's not allow but you manage to bring them in!!! Gosh .... you are so daring la!! But hey, you got your vanilla plant .... so envy la. I also love the smell of vanilla but I am not going to get 1 thousand bag of those though ..... wait till your plan gets bigger then got 'anak' then maybe you can spear me 1 or 2 tangkai, kekekeke ....
i know i'm really sakai, but now only i know that vanila pods grow on tress T__T.
Eh iya lah Cath, how come you can bring the vanilla tree home from Bali??
Share gia, so that next time I can bring cactus from KL to KK. Hehe..
Dear friends.. I just insert it inside my luggage.. This plants is long type.. so I roll it and put inside plastik bag.. My tour guide say, its okay to bring small plant but don't bring the soil.. Ayoo.. I should take photo on how I do my vanilla plant..
My hubby lagi teruk last time, he bring pokok bamboo from jakarta..with akar2 nya sekali... soooo hugeeeeee!!!!!! and no problem... dia masuk luggage...lol.. I think it is ok just dont bring the soil..
Cindy: No la..I believe you are not the only sakai...I also 1st time!! I never tought Vanila tree is crawling plants..lol..
Cathj...can I have the 'anak' of the vanilla? mmm...macamlah Brunei sebelah rumah you pulak! I envy you lah...I really want to have the plant in my garden too. I dont think I could get them here. I really wanna see the progress of the vanilla plant of yours. *wink*
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