And tooooo... many tourist!!!!!!! Toooo many!!! No more peaceful.. I cannot see the green seaweed on the stone anymore... only naked stone.. I don't know.. something is missing and I don't feels the woww... that I felt before..
Enjoy my photo..

Last time the stone was full with green seaweeds.. (You can refer to my 2004 Vacation)

See... too many tourist...

Kesian my son... me and hubby beli new hat..coz hot... now I realize.. we did not buy for him ...awwwww..... (sorry baby)

See... merah2 sudah muka c kecil... now I feel bad!! apa lah punya parents.. T_T

Hubby bought a kite for my boy.. We put it together already, but have not tried to let it fly.. lol..
'Tak de anginnnn....'

My hubby trying some satay..

Familiar???? Oh this is sort of my 'trademark' hihihihi.. scooter helmet!!! lol... in 'PINK'...*Wink*

Pink helmet suda ada.... Pink scooter and small puppy lagi.. lol...
The bad news is...I did not buy this helmet!!! I was thinking to buy it somewhere nearby our hotel... Unfortunately no body selling this Pink with white!! Only Pink and brown (I don't like)..
Lastly... hubby buy sampai 3.. but all brown!! T_T

He wanted to give his frens.. (Lucky frens...)
Oh the price.. around Rm7++ (Small-Ladies size) and large around RM10!!!!!!!!!! Cheappp.... around RP25,000... next time u interested to buy, bargain for this price... lol..
I am sooooo sad Didn't buy the PINK/White helmet!!!!!!!! Its the 1 and only!!!!!!!! T_T
Next year boleh beli bah tu helmet.
Ko mau pakai pigi mana juga tu helmet? Hehehe... bawa mandi kah (macam aku?) hahaha -LOL-
Hahahha....berangan lah tu mau naik scooter pakai itu....tapi dekat2 rumah ja lah...hahahahha...
Tanah Lot really beautiful
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