But for me this is quite special..*lol*.. coz I bought this flower long time ago from Cameron Highland .. When I bought this my hubby say, this flower won't stay long coz it live on cold place only (This type actualyy different type.. got 2 colours... Yellow and red... but when it pops out today, I only can see more red.. lol)
1st week after buying the plant, I was soo shock! that all the leaves falling and tinggal ranting.. So I just leave it on the pot and put at the back of my house... I tought suda 'mati' lerr...
Few days later, I saw a small tiny green leaves coming out!! Owww... I am soo happy...there is hope for this plant... I start taking care of it, change to a big pot...new soil and put 'baja'....
Hey its really work!!!! So I bought 1 cheap 'vitalizer' also... I never hope it will work coz its cheap... but hey!!! It work!! to most of my plants too.. some plants that so lazy to produce flower now work it.. *lol*

When the bud of this flower start showing off.. adakah my hubby say "alaaa.... It will drop before it blooms." ... what the... Punya lah sakit my hati.... Nowww..... you see lah!!! Hehehehe.... But unfortunately the time this flower blooms, my hubby go outstation... hopefully he saw this before he goes... lol..

But... I am not worried... more coming out.... Yey!!!

And More!!!! (On the same tree)

I am using this 'Vitalizer'...

Make sure not to put too much water.... this plant very sensitive and not too much sun.. ;-p
Note: I don't deny.. when we bring down tanah tinggi flower, the size won't be the same... some will not produce flowers.. ;-(
Like this flower.. actual size is hugeeeeeeeee!!!!! I mean the flower...thats why I bought it... but when it pops today...ala....biasa je the size... ;-(
...punya banyak your vitalizer Cath.
But ya ka it works.. I want to find the same brand juga la nanti.
i'm using the same vitalizer for my plants too! :)
yeah..the flower looks pretty...
cantik juga kan tu bunga di tepi tepi dia warna kuning..
Aines: Yess it works... follow instruction la..k..
Thanks frens..
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