Ready for a long journey.. ;-p (Jangan lawan kasut 'guide'.. Adidas Kampung tau!!!)
The lady in purple pants is our guide.. Small size lady.. Named Lina.. ^_^
Everyone will have their name tag. Must wear this all the time. Need to show this in certain stop.
(Jeez.. I need manicure T_T)
We request for porter to carry our bag. Price will be RM8 per kg.
She is our porter.. Ow! She is Wendi and Mas porter. My porter will be Lina, our guide ^_^.
Lunch provided (In package). But they will packed it in a plastic bag T_T.. I did not bring any big bag, so we have to carry it just like that.. T_T
The starting point.. 'Timpohon'..
This is where our journey starts.. Enjoy some photo taken by me all along the journey..
The small waterfall.. You will be pleased when you reach here during 'home' time.. ;-p
'Untreated water' provided on every stop (Every 1.5km).. There will be toilet too.
Saw few strong human passing by us, carrying some stuff up and down..
I love the rain forest here.. It was cold and hot at the same times.. and sometimes it rain. So don't forget to put all your stuff inside a rubbish plastic bag before putting it in your bag.
'Periuk Kera'.. and it's BIG!!!
Sometimes will meet people struggling to come down.. (Looking at them, thinking.. that's what will happen to me tomorrow.. T_T)
Some porter carrying food stock for restaurant on top..
I just climb from here.. very stiff!!!!
Some beautiful flowers.. ^_^
Finally.. I reach the point where we will be staying few hours before heading to the mountain peak.
I LOVE the scenery!!! On my 1st climbing few years back, I swear will never ever wanted to climb this mount again. But after my 2nd trip this time.. Looking at the scenery on my photos.. I miss the place soo much and weird I have a feelings like wanted to climb again (But oh.. pleaseee.... may be NOT ;-p)
'Laban Rata'.. The stop point before heading to the peak. I reach at 2.04pm.
The guide and porter waiting for me who is drooling with the view and take my own sweet time to snap some photo.. ^_^
Meet Mas and Wendy.. Still need to do some climbing to go to our hostel at 'Gunting Lagadan'.. T_T
We take a rest and almost dinner we take shower and ready to go down to 'Laban Rata' for dinner. It was freezing here!!! Thank God they have hot shower..
Indulging with our early dinner.
It was packed that day!!!
After dinner, go back to our room to sleep. We need to woke up around 1.45am for supper before climbing to the peak. Meet new fren joining our room. Ms Che-Ling, she is an animal doctor from Shah Alam. ^_^.. Young and pretty.. ^_^
It was freezing that nite. I felt like sleeping in a damp bed and using a wet blanket.. Sooo suffer!!!
And I misses my little boy... T_T
Next post will be the journey to the top of mount Kinabalu..

sangat kagum with u dear...
wow best lah macam i pun mahu naik gunung.
hahahaa.. cath don't let your feeling misses all the beautiful places/scenery in Mt.Kinabalu, come and let us make another challenging trip AGAIN!!! Why don't you invite your friends in KL a.k.a bloggers to feel the same experience as you are ^__^ chayo! chayo1 chayo!
Waaaaaaaaaaa..... so beautifulll!!!! I must go! i must go!
Erm... second thought... my age is catching up. Mampu ker??
Didn't see u for so long.
I always wanted to climb mount kinabalu but i think i am not fit for it. It surprises me to see lots of people are actually going there. It must be fun meeting so many people.
Hopefully, i can see more photos form you yeah? rindu mount kinabalu uda....plan to have second trip...hoho..but dunno when..sobsob
Josh & Willie: OMG!!! Age???? I saw uncle aged like 55?? Climbing... He got big tummy some more.. and definitely not so FIT people.. but he did it.. just do it slow..
Note: I'm not that fit either.. imagine..did not do any workout for this trip.. ;-p
SJB: Boleh bah tu... Jalan slowwww ja... mcm saya...biar last tapi sampai hehhehehehe
Bila tingu gambar2 ni kan cath.. macam tak sanggup bah aku mendaki... macam penat betul ni. rela lagi aku mendapi shopping mall. Hahahaha...
I'm kinda malu to say this as I'm Sabahan...i haven't yet reach the peak of Mt Kinabalu..balik-balik only visit the kawasan yang rata saja...
Chinadoll: Memang penat...ada juga terlintas di otak...apa lah aku buat menyeksa diri di sini ni...kekekkekek...
Cherish T: OH don't be 'malu' lah.. I guess this mountain is belongs to Malaysian.. so as a Malaysian...malu if nda naik... mcm ni baru betul ;-p
bringing back a lot of my memories by looking at the photos of the journey to mt kinabalu. thanks for sharing!
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