That night.. I mean morning, around 1.45am we woke up and get prepared for the most challenging journey.. Heading to the Top of Mount Kinabalu.
We suppose to have our supper at Laban Rata, but we did not go down for supper. We just have some drink at our hostel.
We are the earliest to wake up. Coz we do not want to ques up for the bath room and toilet.. ;-p
It was quite late when we start our journey. We planned to make a move at 2am but I think we make a move at 2.30am (Waiting for our guide.. T_T)..
This part was the most challenging journey for me (Same to my 1st climb).. I really2 take a slow walk. It's like every 5-8 step, I will stop for a rest.. ^_^..
It was dark and I did not take any photo.. Until I almost reach the top, about 5.30am.. and I start to snap some view.. ^_^..
This about 5 or 5.30am..
I can see the sunrise already.. but that was not my main point to come here.. I like it brighter, so that I can have a clear photo.. ;-p
I almost didn't make it to the top, after seeing the peak was covered with mist.. See on the photo.. It supposed to be the peak on top.. but totally gone!!
I was wondering how Mas and Wendy there (If they both was on top already.. Soo dangerous) Note: Wendy said she can't even see Mas during that moment. Covered by mist.. and they both were just beside of each other at that point.. o.O
On my back.. a stone looks like an 'Orang Utan' face.. ^_^
Everyone is heading to the peak..
It's bright already.. and the view are spectacular!!
This is why I am soo eager to come back to Mount Kinabalu.. I want to see the view again!!!
What did you see on this photo?? A stone seems like having a face..
Tired face!!!!!!!!! I was starving during the journey and yet still managed to reach the top.. ^_^.
Plants that grows on top of Mount Kinabalu..
It's time to go down.. and this is where I slipped!! The most dangerous area.. Luckily I am holding the rope tight..
After the long journey.. finally..
That's all about Mount Kinabalu.. Come and visit Mount Kinabalu someday or may be.. Climb!! ^_^
Some History of Mt Kinabalu ( From :
Mount Kinabalu – A Brave Moment in History
The first man up Mount Kinabalu is Sir Hugh Low, a British Colonial Administrator at Labuan. On 7 March 1851, the 27 year old accompanied by a local Dusun guide named Gunting Lagadan attempted to scale the 4,095.2 metre high mountain. Forging their own trail, the duo took more than 3 weeks to reach the base of the mountain known now as the Kinabalu Park Headquarters.
Gunting Lagadan only accompanied Sir Hugh Low up to a certain part of the mountain and the young man was left alone to complete the rest of his journey to the peak. For all his efforts, Sir Hugh Low only managed to make it to the summit plateau however, the highest peak of Mount Kinabalu was named Low’s Peak in appreciation of his hard work and bravery.
Not forgetting the Dusun guide who kept Sir Hugh Low company during his climb, the Gunting Lagadan rest house on Mount Kinabalu is named after him for his contribution and assistance.

Amazing trip..
wah...rindu plak isa mau nek gunung kinabalu tu... berapa sudah harga dia tu aa?
eeeeee baaru berapa hari rindu suda lagi mo naik cath.. alalallaa gilerr apa !!!
Dear BuDakHutaN,
RM489/person including Penginapan di Grace Hostel n Gunting Lagadan n Makan 7 kali, Insurance and Permit Only...
plus :
RM53/person for Guide, transport to Timpohon return, entrance fee, cert (mcm tu la...)
Gurl!!! I loik ur post nie!!! OMG! I salute u for being able to capture those wonderful pics! Mcm ndak penat jak ur face tu owh
This is an amazing and rare experience. I was so impressed with the photos you took. The beautiful view of mt Kinabalu made your photos fantastic! Surely in this lifetime, I must one day climb that mountain. I need to keep fit in order to do so right? Furthermore the cold weather up there is the one that i like the most too. Actually, i couldn't really enjoy living in hot weather. Hahaha... but not that i wish Malaysia is like UK.
wow...luckily u din slipped and fall down and injured urself.
anyway, very spectacular view from the peak.....really nice and beautiful...
Willie : U knw what?? I did not do any fitness exercises when climbing ;-p.. It's advisable to do fitness but I think the most important thing is 'The strong spirit and willing to reach'..
I am glad I have conquered mt kinabalu when i was still fit and young :D, mt kinabalu is always within our view from KK. huge & strong.
wah so are so good oh!
I dont think I will have the stamina to do that. you didnt do fitness kah?
i told my dh ada helicopter or not to bring me down , IF ( IF oh) i can climb the top.
Coz already susah susah naik then still mau turun. tired mah hehehe
( ME = PEMALAS)kekkeke
I read all your posts about your climbing. The views are breathtakingly beautiful. Congratulations for conquering Mount KK!! You are amazing. I dont think I can do it. *salute*
Wah congratulations lah! You so terra! mum and still doing these kind of things :) Good for you!
By the way, I changed my url of my travel blog to:
Hi, saw your comment from other blog, that your package is only RM400 only, how you get it? Please please please!!
Million Thanks.
Yes.. not RM400 but RM489 and plus RM53 for guide and cert. Total actually around RM500++ ^_^.... ^_^ I did gave the link where we book the package.
thanks for your information! They quoted me RM452 for 3D2N package.
2D1N package also available, but only open booking 2 months before hiking.
That is good.. I heard people been charged around Rm700 for this trip.. but not from this company definitely... All the best!!!!
Hi Cath! Looking at your photos makes me wanna do it all over again. Maybe next year! :D
wow..syabas Cath!! after delivery.. and now mountain climbing? gosh.. kudos to u..
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