Mmmm... Fell in love already.. ^_^. He is feeding the kangaroos and chatting with them.. so funny. It's like he is talking to a friend.. ;-p
He called this animal 'Roo'... a nick name.. ;-p
The kangaroos food. You can take it and feed the kangaroos..
Becareful.. shit are everywhere ^_^. But it does not that bad.. it was just like a grass and quite dry.
This is a mama kangaroo.. suddenly hoping to us.. 1st time in my life seeing a baby kangaroo right from the mama pocket.. ^_^.
Why with the sad face...?? Hungry???
My boy was so thrilled to see the baby head hanging there..
..and he feed the baby..
See how the kangaroo eat.. holding my MIL hand.. ^_^..
Time to go..
A lil bit hungry.. so I bought a cute muffin.. with blueberry.. I love it.. ^_^
(Watch a short video feeding the kangaroo ^_^)
kau punya boy pun adventurous macam kau, nasib baik dia tidak mau bawa balik itu animal roo hahah
Hihi dulu dok tgk katun kangaroo suke tumbuk org now dh fobia.. Haha
Myelsa: Ohh.. belum boleh di kategorykan 'adventures' la kami ni nakk oi... hehehhehe...
presbetsabu: kekekkekek... tak tau betui ke tak pak Roo ni pandai menumbuk...hhahahha
Your boy is so cute feeding the "roo". :) The kangaroo's name in My Friends Tigger and Pooh is called Roo by the way..hehe. in love.... love is in the air hehee so lovely.
Nasib your boy tak nak bawak Malaysia sekor! LOL
wah bestnya ada kangaroo, si joel cute bah.
He is so adorable while feeding and talking to the Roo. Hehe.
I never feed food to animals before (except to my fishes). I think it will makes me feel ticklish while they eat the food from my palm.
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