After visiting Caversham wildlife park.. we heading to Swan Valley which very near to Caversham.
Planned to do some wine and cheese testing. Unfortunately.. we were quite late bcoz all the vineyard closing at 5.30pm. So just take few photo before back to Perth city.
It's getting dark and just about reaching 6pm..
*Sighhhh...* all the grapes already 'botak'... Winter season maaah....
I love this view.. but it was dark already and it was not that clear in photo.. T_T
Forced to stop.. ;-p (If I saw beautiful places along the way, I will ask my hubby to stop.. ^_^ and take photos..)
Back to the city...
Quick snap.. their 'LRT' .. ???
another quick shot.. 'The eyes of Perth'..
Not familiar with any restaurant here.. GPS can't help much.. so we just walk and what ever restaurant come 1st we will drop by.. T_T..
Ok.. 'The Brass Monkey'.... (What ever.. LOL)
Very cozy place.. and relaxing.. (Just annoyed by some loud sound of drunk people on next table.. )
Love this bottle.. can get this in IKEA.. ;-p
I am trying their promotion menu..
Garlic bread.. yummy!
TIRED face!!!! LOL..
err.. looks like cat's puke.. ;-p (Taste.. OK.. not extremely delicious.. but just OK.. I prefer TGIF steak.. ;-p)
My MIL set..
Note: My hubby was not satisfied with 1 thing here.. ;-p. My boy did not touch his food. As usual my boy won't eat often on public. So hubby wanted to take away the food (To give my boy when we reach our apartment).. Unfortunately, they don't allowed us to bring back the food. Hubby was pissed! LOL.. He don't even give a tips to the waitress..
I don't want to mentioned this (Coz I know some place especially hotels won't let us bring out their food.. but a small restaurant like this??? urghhhhh...) but hubby want me to blog about this.. hahahaha... He say don't come here to dine.. (Jeez hubby...)
Back to apartment and have a good sleep.. Zzzzz....
Your MIL meal.. what was that? just 2 pieces of.. meat or ... ? so we cannot tar pau back to hotel to eat? something different from ours, right?
nice.. wish i could afford to go to perth too.. weee
Claire: That place 'The Brass Monkey' don't allowed us to bring out their food.. My MIL meal was just 2 pcs of Tuna.. I was surprise too.. not even a single salad.. ;-p
Hi Karlota.. Yes now we can.. Airasia kan adee... ^_^
Very nice pics. Your are truly a blogger hahha...ask yr Hubby to stop and take pics. :P
Wah...cannot "tapao" the food eh. Then no take out lah?? I sure won't go there. The food look expensive.
Eeee teruknya. Adakah tidak boleh tapau. Sot.
Yahh.. cannot 'tapau'.. if it was a hotel or grand place.. we would understand... Ini.. lerrr... Customer pun tak byk..
Mummy Gwen: Yes!!! Damn expensive.. lol.. What to do.. too hungry that time.. ^_^
adakah tidak boleh tapau?!. hehe si sunny macam si george juga, no tips for u, if not good service or cannot tapau hehehe.. ruginya.
I just stumbled upon your blog and I am from Perth! Just thought I should let you know..Yea, that's Brass Monkey for you. I reckon it's more recognized as a pub/bar and it's packed on Fri/Sat nights. Not many people go there for dinner though, normally it's just for drinks.
You guys should have walked further down, heaps of good food!
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