Have a look on the room.. 1 thing to mention.. It doesn't look so big as on the web ;-p.. But it was OK.. I like the room.. ^_^
We have romantic bedding.. ^_^
Perfect sea view..
Another extra bed.. Suitable for family with 2 kids.. ^_^..
Check out the bath room.. Nice..
Open air bath room.. Well.. only on the shower area.. ^_^
They have shower and bath tub..
They should put a stopper on the door.. I mean a tools that make the door close slower.. Coz it 'bangs' when we close the door.. T_T
Cute shower kits.. ^_^
We have a lot of space for sleeping.. ^_^
My son will be very excited if we staying in the hotel.. ;-p, He will do the room check up as usual.. *Sigh*..
I wish the breeze was as cold as Australia now.. ^_^
Own personal sea view.. Not so blue but .. it's worth for me.
Our balcony view on the right..
On the left.. Oww.. I can see the SPA house from here..
Before checking out the Avilion's area and SPA.. relaxing for a while.. (Hubby as usual will bring his work.. But sorry.. NO 3G maxis signal here.. )
You can see the sea right from the glass window..
Ow.. son.. becareful.. (>_<)
Wah bestlah...berapalah satu malam?.
Nanti saya kasih tau di post akan dtg k.. ^_^
wah... ur husband sanggup eh spend so much on hotel room... my husband will definately say no... but then again, i think i will be goin to avillion, PD soon. maybe end of next month. haven't decided on the date yet... but i won't stay the premium water chalet lah, cannot afford.. i will prob stay the water chalet or the garden view only, coz i heard the garden view not as cramp as the water chalet. water chalet furniture arrangement quite cramp.
Cat: Thats great.. don't forget to take photo on the room ya.. ^_^
Yea lah CathJ...berapa rate satu malam? Terlalu cantik lah. By the way...nasib malam tak hujan ribut yea..I imagine *-ve thinking* if hujan and lightnings, ngeri jugak kan. Tp kena tengok weather forecast lah if nak stay kat sana.
But it's soooooooooooo relaxing....
Ya la Ros... sib baik cuaca amat baik.. that night ada hujan tapi time tidur... bestttt sgt... ^_^
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