Not able to celebrate my hubby bday on the actual day, was attending his cousin's wedding.. we plan to go out for dinner on the next day to celebrate..
Hubby suggest to try 1 restaurant as written on the 'tissue' on the photo above (Don't want to mentioned the name coz I am so freaking shock with the bill so not relevant by looking at the food we ordered.

Did not take any photo of the food because it was just simple dish like fried long beans, 1 small bowl of soup.. simple soup, same like the soup that I will get if having Nasi Ayam at normal stall (For 1 person only.. small bowl), 2 'bull eye' egg for my boy, White 'Tauhu', 1 dish was above on pic and four season dish.. All in a small portion.. Its like for 2 person only..

My in law and my hubby having just plain water and I am having this (Trying their promotion drink ;-p)
And it cost us RM180!! Hubby freak out lol.. Say will never ever dine here anymore.. We can get delicious food with that amount of $$.. lol..lol.. Only 4 of us eating.. But we order for 2 person portion.. Don't want to eat much.. ^_^
Fried long beans and 2 bull eye egg... Tauhu??... RM180.. wakakakaka....
Psst... Not to forget... plain water... RM5! o.O
Itu je?
mmmm..mesti you tahan hati sal tu tak nak ambil gambar of the foodies....
Nak tengok jugak the birthday cake CathJ...I thought the bday cake yg kat last entry tu you yg buat..;D
But I know you can make something like that...
the four season dish is always the expensive dish, it will always make ur bill go up. so in future becareful when ordering four season
Hi Cath J,
Dropping by your blog after you left a comment on mine :-)
Yes, RM180 is indeed daylight robbery! Boycott the restaurant!
Cat.. If you see the 4 season dish.. its was like so small portion.. I never saw food as little as that.. Menyesal tak take photo for you all to judge.. T_T
Wow..expensive. The name of the restaurant sounds familiar.
matai la punya mahal... bagus beli tauhu di pasar pastu goerng sendiri d ruma
buli tahan lah mahal utk dish yg mcm gitu2 saja....better stick to the restaurant that u are used to already kan :)
Mummy Gwen.. Yes it was a famous restaurant.. featured in a news paper too.. ^_^...
wahhh. this is what we call cekik darah haha
I think they are doing locals tourists' price! That's ridiculously expensive kan! But never mind, at least you get to go out with hubby!
Punya lah mahal..
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