More photo from my previous entry.. I did not buy anything here.. ^_^..
Weather not that cold.. and it was drizzling.. Our Genting lebih sejuk I think..
When it start to rain.. haze become more thicker.. and can't really see very clear.. so we make a move earlier.. We need to drive down the mountain so.. kind of risky..
Siapa lah yg rajin mau ke bawah tuuu... ;-p
Last view..
On the way back to our Van..
I spotted movie kru was doing filming.. Wah... lumayan!
Ha... Jangan main2.. No stunt woman... LOL..
Apa lah tajuk movie ni.. until need to climb mountain all.. ;-p
Leaving a foot print here..
Managed to take 1 photo of mine.. Phiewww..... ^_^
Almost naik Van ada lagi yang mau menjual.. ishhhhh... and my hubby bought them... Just to make them shut-up... Oppsss....
Seriously I wanted to visit Kawah putih on my next trip.. Hubby went there already and he agreed.. Kawah Putih much better... ^_^
Google some pic of Kawah putih.. Best for photography la.. For those who not a photography maniac.. this place will be nothing for them... ;-p (4 hrs drive..*gulp*)

End of Tangkuban post.
2b cont..
Waseh.. climb with kebaya. Lol. Sure very difficult!
But i thought the sign say cannot climb down? o.o
Mabel: they not climb down... they climb up ohhhhh.... lol..
wahhh mesti cerita cinta .. siap panjat gunung dengan kebaya hehe!
Nana: hahhahahaha... my thought pula.. cerita nenek kebayan hahahahha...
Quite high oh. Don't know I can breathe or not up there..hehe. Nice photos.
Mummy Gwen: Cannnn... Looks very high but not that bad... hehehhe...
Ada lagi orang buat movie hehehe. Macam cerita si tanggang saja tu hahaha.
Uncle Greg: hahahhaha.... :)
Cj, How far is this place from Bandung town?
you guys take lot of nice photos :)
Mummy Moon: I think around 30-40 minutes.. I can't remember well but.. around there.. ^_^
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