Heading to the tubing area.. we passed thru some places.. 1 of them was this..
It's a play ground with some 'fun-fair'..
We did not try any of this tho'..
Panorama View.. Click to enlarge..
This was 1 of the food court.. Food was so-so only on this area.. (Reminder: No outside food allowed.. They will check your bag before entering..)
Another water park.. The Pirate ship water park.. stop by here to let my boy play for a while..
This was still around the Pirate ship water park..
This water theme park overall looks huge.. but it was actually not that big.. You can conquer the whole area just by walking (I say this bcoz.. there was a train ride to bring you around this park. . I tot it was far.. but we took an effort to walk.. well..well.. it was not that big.. It's fun to walk..^_^)
Some1 dare not to slide down.. ;-p ;-p
I almost turn into 'red prawn' waiting for this thing to fill up and splash.. ~.@
It was too hot that day.. -_-
Another view of the Pirate ship water park..
Can you spot my hubby carrying the tube?? ^_^.. We are ready to the next area..
Playing tubing.. Next..
To be continue.. ^_^
Syiok main air!!!
syokkkkk... ^_^
didn't manage to capture many photos..coz busying ourselves mandi..hehe
hihi..comel jer dia takut nak slide down
Ha..ha..si Jl takut mahu main tu slide?. Sian dia.
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