I captured this photo because I just think the way they served all the ingredients and drink are unique. It never changed from those days.. and I hope they will never changed that.. because for me it's very special.. ^_^
I was craving for soup noodles all the way (At that time.. I didn't know that I was pregnant ^_^).
Not 1 but another soup noodle menu.. we called 'Ngau-chap' . Unfortunately I didn't like this because the beef smells are too strong for me.. -_-
The food that I cannot go along with..since that time up till today.. *Sigh* it's actually my fav but during this pregnancy I just don't like fried stuff.. -_-
Ohh.. thinking of making my own soup noodles for dinner tonight.. But so afraid with the frying smells.. -_-
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ngau chap!! Sia yang tidak pregnant pulak yang mengidam. Sympathy craving bah tu mengkali kan! I miss going back to Papar, such a lovely town.
Bah jgn Fel.. jauh kau tu... hehehehhehe...
wah, preggie ka tym tu? :D hehehe... emm mana tu kedai ar? mcm teda ja kedai sedap sana sya tinguk.. just tinguk dr jalanraya la :D hehe
iya kan cath..sy pun ada p makan di pasar area tu sana..memang soup noodles la wajib dipesan..
oh,ngau chap pun sadap..eh,bagus ba tu ndak suka mkn yg bminyak2 during pregnancy kan?
Wah..nice food..
During my first pregnancy, I also dislike fried food....everything must be no Fried.So no choice....all the food I ate is by boiling.
During my pregnancy..I totally cannot tahan the cooking smell. My morning sickness was really bad. Thinking back also takut already.
I craved for 'butod' during my 1st preggo Cath. Haha....sampai p cari di donggongon time tu. Klu sa pregnant lg skng n mengidam for that again manalah mau cari butod sini semenanjung ni!!!!lol
Mrs graig: Betul bah?????? Butod?? hahahhaha.... mesti comel your baby tu kan... ^_^.... bah tidak apa lah kalau butod... jgn selipar kah... hehehhehe... jgn main2 ada tu...hihihi
Mummygwen: ya.. nausea is the worst part.. I hate soo much.. -_-
Wah..tu mee goreng nampak sedap oh.
Oh tu kettle bah, teringat saya si mama punya kettle hehehe.
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