Before home.. we take time to go back to the middle of the park. We wanted to end our tour watching the fireworks.. I have to find my spot as early as 20 minutes before the fireworks.
Because everyone will gathered here to end their tour.. So di sini lah juga terjadi nya kes gaduh berebut tempat.. LOL
When we reached the place.. the place was almost full already.. *sigh*.. come early 2o minutes pun penuh jugak.. -_-
So I have no choice but have to stand at 1 of the garbage bin (Near the street light.. refer my 1st photo). My left and right was occupied with people. I have no choice but to stand infront of the garbage bin.. ~.@
I wait there for 20minutes.. I was so tired.. and I felt very heavy (My baby bump getting bigger and heavier).. I have to squat sometimes to relax my legs.. but cannot sit too long.. coz it getting cramp pula.. that how I gone thru for the next 20minutes.. (Hubby, son and in laws.. did not follow me.. they wait some other place.. where we promise to meet once the fireworks over).
When the fireworks almost start.. there was this lady.. really irritate my soul.. suddenly come from no way and ask me to move away.. coz she wanted to place her camera on top of the garbage bin.. Hellooo.. Where she expect me to go.. coz that moment.. every inches of the land was filled with human..
I told her.. " I been standing here for half and hour already.. and there is no way I move from this place".. she said.. "Can you move a bit.. you are blocking my camera".. inside my mind.. who cares.. it's not that I suddenly come and block her.. I just tell her off that I can't coz my left and right got people.. (She blind or what??? Hissshhh!!!)
Next person she bugged was the guy infront of her.. Ha!! She got a wrong guy to fight with.. I don't know what they talking (In Chinese).. but fighting sampai jerit2...!!!!! Nasib tidak bertumbuk...
Once they both resting their voice from fighting.. suddenly a lady carrying a baby pop out infront of 3 of us.. anak nangis2 lagi... apa lagi the lady tadi... tiada hati perut... shout at the lady with anak tu (I think from Msia.. she wearing tudung and her slang I kenal betul lah ^_^).. but I just can't help anybody.. everybody have to save their own ass that moment..
Lastly the fireworks starts and I believe every one got a good captured... believed or not.. the whole presentation the lady keep on buzzing at the back... masih tidak puas hati... hishhh!!
Anyway.. sharing few photos of the fireworks moment.. ^_^
Click to watch the short video of the fireworks..
That's all about my tour in HK Disneyland.. we didn't really tried everything inside the park.. but that will be a reason to come back next time.. ^_^
ala..napa tidak ambi video tu lady yg bising2 tu.. mihihi
mmg a blast time tu fireworks! sa sukaaaaaaa..trus jadi macam budak2 balik ni ba di disneyland! dreams come true kan..hehe
btw, yaba, sometimes irritating tu visitors sana. suda tau sempit, sibuk juga mo p beli ini itu lagi la, as if dorang jak mo tinguk tu fireworks..heh! irritating lah that selfish..
Nice daughter said..she wants to come to Barbie's house...???? hahahha...
saya mau pigi sana one day..:)
Why not ask your Hubby to take the memang bersemangat. Thanks for the beautiful pics and video. :) And that lady really kurang ajar..ish..
I also wanna bring Gwen to Disneyland lah.
Bikin panas juga baca pasal tu pompuan tu!! Klu sa tu mmg kena suda la kali..eee..sinting punya perempuan =.=
btw, thanks for the HK stories :)
MummyGwen: ah ya... ask hubby??? My gudness... not looking down at him, but he don't have the 'gift' on taking photo...apa lagi take video.. I am worried I will be disapointed.. LOL!!
MRs Graig: Kalau kau ada di sana lagi kau faham... betul2 bikin meradangggg!!!! dia jerit2 mcm org ada mental problem.... hishhh...
sapa pompuan yg ko kenal tu cath??
Chinadoll: bukan nya aku kenal... tapi I tau ja dia tu org Msia juga...hihihi....
sorry... sia curi gmbr ko ni taruh dlm my entry.. buli kan.. :D
Just: sila kan... :D
Betul betul cantik lah tu bunga api. Macam di Disney world Florida lah pulak hehehe.
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