Now.. I am around the FantasyLand.. where all the princess stay.. unfortunately, we didn't found any of them to take photo.. -_-.. We are quite late already..
But we saw a wizard tho'.. ~.@
Tried some of the in house ride.. This was the Winnie the Pooh adventure ride (Slow and interesting ride.. fantastic for small kids.. well for adult too.. It's everybody fantasy.. ;-p)
Managed to take some photo along the ride..
It's a story with some effects.. Very nice.. ^_^
The Small World Ride
Next heading to my fav ride.. to the 'Small small world' ride..
Beautiful fantasy building.. at night this must look more magical.. but we did not went back there at night..
Preggy Mummy pun mau pose.. jangan maree... ;-p
That's the outside of the Small small world.. will show some pic during the ride on my next post..
Bestnye sampai ke your boy jumpa Buzz LightYear?
Oh sorry...I tak scroll kat bawa daaaa....
Rupanye dah jumpa hero idola dia tu...bertuah badan...hehehe
Cantik baju preggy tu CathJ...
even u posing agak jauh tapi tetap nampak berseri u. i like!
Lily: alahai.... ^_^
love all the photos..macam berada dsana pula :)
Rajin ba you bring your kids jalan kan...Masa sa pregnant sia malas oh hehe :)
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