Mau continue my story about HK Madame Tussaud The wax museum..
More pic taken inside.. and believe it or not this is not even half.. some room we have to skipped.. ada sebabnya yg buat gua geramm jugak.. but never mind lah..
More pic taken inside.. and believe it or not this is not even half.. some room we have to skipped.. ada sebabnya yg buat gua geramm jugak.. but never mind lah..

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Ada yang masih jatuh cintaaa??? ;-p

The late Micheal Jackson..

Adakah my son shaking2 the tongkat??? aiii... Nasib baik tangan tidak tanggal.. ~.@

Famous in HK or for the Chinese once upon a time ago.. (Kenal betul my Father in law bah.. hihihi)

I did took some photo with some of the wax..

Paling controversy ni.. Mau tidak mau tidak...

If you want to know.. This is Madam Tussaud.. So spooky!! Small and short lady (Remember they created their wax according to actual size and height)..
Mau juga I google the history of madame T ni..
(Updated: already goggled about her.. nothing spooky actually.. she was just a talented woman on those days.. who create all wax for royal family and artist ^_^.. Read HERE)
Ada yang masih jatuh cintaaa??? ;-p
The late Micheal Jackson..
Adakah my son shaking2 the tongkat??? aiii... Nasib baik tangan tidak tanggal.. ~.@
Famous in HK or for the Chinese once upon a time ago.. (Kenal betul my Father in law bah.. hihihi)
I did took some photo with some of the wax..
Paling controversy ni.. Mau tidak mau tidak...
If you want to know.. This is Madam Tussaud.. So spooky!! Small and short lady (Remember they created their wax according to actual size and height)..
Mau juga I google the history of madame T ni..
(Updated: already goggled about her.. nothing spooky actually.. she was just a talented woman on those days.. who create all wax for royal family and artist ^_^.. Read HERE)
kecik betul madam yg last tu ekk. nak tahu jugak apa history menarik pasal dia.
yea lah...I tak tau pun pasal MT ni...rupanya ada her history. Who is taller, your boy or MT?
The Lady D tu macam real...and the guy with the bicycle real lah...
Ros: yg kat bicycle tu... c leon lai... hehehhehe... (Ketara ni buah hati dulu2... ;-p)
and.. Ros.. my boy almost the same height with Madam T tu... ada lah kat telinga... kita tak berani lah nak berdiri ambik gambar ngan madamT tu... serammm je.... baju pun hitammmmm je... ;-p
me! me! me!
oh LEON LAI.. :) peminat Leon Lai? :)
The story behind Madam T is very interesting. Now I know how it all started.
Mummy Gwen: hahahahha... not anymore... that was when I was a teenagers.. hahahahha..
Macam betul betul oh kan?.
Nice pictures there :) But some of them really looks so 'waxy' in the picture hor, maybe looks real in real situation? "Twins" (the duet singer) are so tall?
Mommy angel: errr.... not that they both are SO tall... tapi I am SO short... @.@
Oddoiiii...punya best...saya paling suka tu lagu2 Teresa Teng ...ahakss kedapatan sudah peminat oldies
Terus teringat aku cerita The Wax House. Ngeriii...
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