Cheers with the bride & groom.. We are staying at the girl (With arrow pointed) parents house. She is a Model and still studying in U... (Jangan main2)... She and the groom are 1st cousin... their mothers are sisters..
And this is my drink.. ;-p.. Cheers!!!
Ok.. lets have a look what we were having during the wedding 'Lunch'... I think more than 15 dish T_T....
Eel.... *gulp*....but hey...they cook it well.. Nice...
Abalone.. they insert the abalone back to the shell after cooked... What a hard job ;-p
Love the shells colour... ^_^
Mini pau... inside plastic bag (??????)......

and presenting....
Turtle soup with herbs... Swim...swim....!!! I only try 1 spoon of the soup... and fuhhhh!!!! Cannot take it lah... !!!
Duck... too bad I don't eat duck.. I don't like the taste of duck flesh (Same goes to lamb).. T_T...
Shark fin soup... But too watery...
The meat...
The intestine... T_T..
....Of the 'oink...oink'...
More food coming... but I stop on the fish... I did not eat all the dish tho'... T_T....
My son is sleepy and I have to bring him for a nap... and there you goes... I fall a sleep too (During the wedding ;-p)
When we woke up.. the relatives is calling for meal already (DINNER.... as I mentioned on my previous post... they eat like 4 times a day... and dinner is early.. at 4 or 5 pm!!! T_T)
Hihihi... Senyum paksa je mother (My MIL)... Served with lots and lots food... I thought I just ate and it's time to eat already.. T_T...
In the afternoon... having a nice breeze and eating infront of the old house... Awesome!!!!!
*blurpppppppp.............* excuse me.... too full.. ;-p
Wah .... the turtle in the soup, I don't think I dare to try that too .... :P
BTW, did you get some kind of look when you constantly taking pictures there?? kekekekeke ..... I was just wondering la but I love all your pictures. Your experience is really something special which I would love to try again at another time maybe :)
uinah cath,itu labi ka tu?kekeke..
siok oo mkn diluar kn ada angin sepoi2 bahasa gitu..heheee
i love the abalone dish of all...hahhaa.. when i saw the turtle, i was thinking "Hey, is that for real?" the whole turtle is cooked? my goodness, so pitiful huh? yeah, dont think i try the meat nor soup though.. imagining it swimming inside.. ouch..
but it is really an eye opener for all of us here... really very typical chinese dishes in fujian.. thanks for posting up... love to be in yr place to experience all that.. did i say that too many times already? haha...
Mommyangel: I forgot to see people faces reaction on me become 'paparazzi' there... lol.. Bcoz I used to do this already and I never care how people react on me when I am taking photo...hahahahha...
Unless on private places where I think I should need a permission 1st..
Cath, nice posting but the minute I saw the food...... I would have just eaten rice and bread if I was there.
The tortoise was the one that made my day la.
Anyway, the bride and groom are 1st cousins? mmm...
David much food!!! The turtle soup made you lose appetite is it..hahaha. The girl and the bride are very pretty. Chinese girls are pretty right? :P
David: Auoooo... No No... not the bride and groom.... lol... (Where can...hahahhaha)....the girl with arrow pointed with the groom lah...hihihihi..... and I wish they have bread... sorry to say no bread on this village T_T
Cathhhh........ kenapa bah ada ninja turtle????? macam fear factor bah ni.... aduiiii...
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