As I mentioned on my previous post.. He become the main attraction while I was in China.. (In my heart.. of coz we proud of that.. Which mother don't feels that).. But the way they admire my boy sometimes make me worried to death.
The pinch on face is ok.. (Biasa lah... I do the same sometimes ;-p), talking to my boy too close on the face... like almost kissing mouth to mouth.. errr... Ok I still can stand it eventho' its soo disturbing for me... BUT.. 1 thing I cannot accept.. when they start bringing my boy (without my permission) away from me..
For couples of days they did that.. I have to take it.. But things getting worst and worst.. urggghhhhhhhh........

See?? The auntie (House owner) always send fruits to our room... just for my boy... That's so nice of them...

Giving my boy.. lots and lots of junk food....

Ishhh...ishhh... bukan main lagi you son... Tak pe.. 'kasih chance'...

See?? This is how they simply take my boy away from me.. How I get this photo??? For haven sake!! I follow from far!!! I won't let them bring my boy just like that!!!
Notice all the guys sitting?? They are having cigarette.. after a while I saw the Uncle (Actually the house owner.. the place we stay T_T.. That's why I can't really say NO to him T_T).. join them for a cigarette and put my boy sitting in between them.. THAT I CANNOT TAKE IT!!!!!! I AM DAMN ANGRYYYYY!!!!!
I go to the shop and start pulling my boy hand nicely (Seems I can't talk in their language T_T)... You know what the uncle said to me??? In Chinese of coz (I am not sure mandarin or hokkien already... can't differentiate the language ;-p..... but I know he said 'It's OK, don't worry'..).. What the heck!!! It's OK(??) to let my boy join you all while smoking????? NO WAY!!!!!!!! I am pulling my boy hand and he is pulling my boy hand too... The worst part.... My boy want to be with him!!!! %@#^*&$!!!!!!!!
I insist.. I have to scold my boy and at last he let go the uncle hand.... I am a bit relief... suddenly the uncle take my boy hand again and bring my boy to see what he want to buy in that shop... I have to use sign language saying 'NO' to the uncle... He desperately choose any junk food that have in that shop (The only shop at that village)... and he give my boy the plastic bag filled with I don't know what... Urghhhhhhhh...... Umpan my boy some more!!!! T_T
I managed to bring my boy to our room.. My boy want to eat what ever the uncle bought from the plastic bag.. I look into it... I saw a can drink.. I don't know what drink is that.. some sour plum and something give me a shock was this....

WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......... I know lah 'kaki ayam'.... but.... is that a snack for them???? ayooooooooooooo................
Believe me... This continue days to days.. I really cannot take it.. I SMS my hubby about this situation.. He get really2 pissed off too.. He start calling his mom and dad to 'check out' from there soon... because the main purpose to visit the village is too meet the family and the wedding... and all have been done....
Note: My in law can't get out from there (Actually they wanted to go also, don't like to trouble people) but the relatives keep on asking them to stay... and they have no choice to listen.. but it has been too long already... and I think It's time to start our TOUR, visiting other places... but they just can't do it.. have to pleased all the aunties.. T_T... and me.... *stranded*....
takajut sa tgok tu gambar, sa ingat tangan org tadi..
ala cath... kesian oh ko, sometimes they really dont undertand kan... but in smoking area they shouldn't bring kids... eerrrmmm thank God u here oredi in M'sia hahaha
cute ba c joel tu, montel tu la dorg suka
astaga,,sa ingat tongkat ali...kaki ayam pula..umaigad, kalo sa cath mmg bgaduh la sm tu org o..
Nanak: Memang saya buat muka sudah tu...memang dorang 'cop' saya menantu 'kurang a**r' sudah tu... Tapi utk kebaikan anak...paduli lah...
I know your feelings, REALLY!
Sometimes I bring my niece and nephew with me, and I always dislike people giving them foods, especially when they use the same spoon (has got their saliva!) to feed the babies -_-"
It's really disturbing...and I hardly imagine them brought your son without your permission, they should have asked you...
Anyway now I have Sugar, and I just hate when people let Sugar lick/nibble their hands, AISEH!!! Sugar doesn't know anything about hygiene but they should know our hands have got lots of bacteria lakkk -_-"
Truly understand your feelings!
I like to eat chicken feet but not the one that being packed like scary.
Hmm... seram aku baca story ko ni moi. Tapi apa pun... ada pulak snack kaki ayam. Lucu!!
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