Updated (Answering Mrs Graig question) : You only have to pay for entry ticket.. and you can play all the games in the park for free.. Yang mau bayar food and souvenirs saja, itu pun kalau kita beli lah.. ^_^.

Next to the Tomorrowland of HK Disneyland.. Circled in white.********
We purchased our meal voucher earlier.. and get our food at the Chinese restaurant which located at Tomorrowland.
1st meal I had in HK.. Nasi ayam.. ~.@
(I can see it was quite hard for Muslim to look for food here.. I mean around Disneyland.. But may be can try the in house restaurant somewhere at the Main street USA.. Sudah lah tu.. before enter the theme park kena check beg pulak.. no food allowed.. )
My boy asyik2.. merajuk.. Oh.. I don't want him to be sad during this vacation.. especially in Disneyland.. so I went and bought the toy he wanted..
..and for your info.. because of this toy jugak lah he get lost in this park (Tomorrowland).. He keep on looking at the light spinning on the toy.. nah sekali nya sudah tersasar..
Thank God.. some tourist found him.. I was actually went to the toilet. I trust my hubby and MIL to look after him.. when I came back.. both did not realize where he was..
I was a bit angry and panic at the same.. But Thank God.. somebody found him.. as usual.. Crying.. Poor boy..
Enjoy some pics around..
Oh.. Luckily I tidak terlanjur masuk for this 1.. LOL.. this was a fast coaster.. imagine lah me preggy.. silap hari bulan terberanak.. ~.@ (Palis..)
Some funny thing I saw.. it moving.. ;-p
This is the area where my boy lost.. eee... Thank God nothing worst happen..
bah nasib jg teda pa2 dia aa :) btw, tiket utk every park lain2 charges ka? do we need to pay every each gamestation yang kita pigi main? :)
Astaga! Tidak sah kalau your boy tidak hilang.. hehehe.. Nasib nothing happened.. Kesian dia nangis2 lagi..
Lucky...the tourist found your boy......
Thank goodness a good samaritan found your son! The crowds can get pretty crazy, very easy for little kids to go missing in just a blink of an eye. Aiyoyo, luckily preggy mommy didn't go for the "space mountain"...Really scareeeeeeeeeee! I went once, bila keluar, kaki lembik!
Adidi....bikin takut ni anak tersesat ni. Thank God he's ok. Tapi kan, easy bah to get lost tempat begini ni...so many things to see...so fun!!!
Bikin takut juga kan?. Nasib dia ok. Terus teringat saya si JB waktu kita di parkson? kah tu?. Pandai pandai pigi beli mainan hehehe.
paling takut kalau anak tersesat macam ni. nasib baik u dapat jumpa dear..
Ya.. my scary moment...
Hey this is scarry...nasib...nasib...thank goodnes jumpa...
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